


美式发音: [ˈterəbp] 英式发音: ['terəbp]









I'm terribly sorry─did I hurt you?非常抱歉,我伤着您了吗?

It's terribly important for parents to be consistent.父母要做到始终如一,这是极为重要的。

2.非常地;很厉害地very much; very badly

I miss him terribly.我非常思念他。

They suffered terribly when their son was killed.儿子遇难之后,他们悲痛欲绝。

The experiment went terribly wrong.这次实验出了大问题。


adv.1.very, or extremely2.in a very bad way

1.可怕地 possible 可能的 terribly 可怕地 basic 基本的 ...

2.非常 grow 长,让…生长 terribly 非常 dry 干燥的,干的 ...

3.极 mutters n. 咕哝, 嘀咕v.咕哝, 嘀咕 terribly adv. 可怕地, 十分, multipage 多页 ...

4.很 matter v. 要紧,有关系 terribly adv. (口)非常, narrow adj. (程度、范围等)有局 …

5.非常地 occur 发生;出现;存在 terribly 可怕地,甚为,非常地 darkness 黑暗;模糊;无知;阴 …

6.要命 hurt v. 弄疼,伤害 terribly adv. 十分,非常 idle a. 空暇的,游手好闲的 ...

8.极其 pretty 相当 terribly 极其 horribly 分外 ...


1.And she was terribly intimidated in class, so she never was able to communicate that she simply didn't get the basic phonic concepts.在班上,她相当胆怯,因此总不能与人交流,以至连基本的语音概念都没有。

2.First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickled me terribly.他先是从肩上取下一根棍子,朝里面吹了一口气,就有甚麽东西飞到我脸上,痒得我要命;

3.As his mom, I miss him terribly, but I'm incredibly proud of him for how fearless and passionate he is in following his dream.作为一个母亲,我无比的想念他,但是我也为他追求梦想的无畏和热情而无比自豪。

4.she's terribly sorry about that. She had to leave the office suddenly and won't be able to return until next week. She hopes you understand.她对此非常抱歉。她昨天有急事突然离开了办公室,而且要到下周才能回来。她希望您能谅解。

5.On hearing these words the parents became terribly frightened, but Atzel's face pt up with a smile and he said, "You see, I was right. "听到这话,阿采尔的父母不由心惊胆战。但是阿采儿却是喜笑颜开,说道,“你们瞧,还是我说的对。”

6.Today, my parents met my boyfriend, and we had a very awkward dinner. I was terribly worried they wouldn't approve of him.今天我爸妈和我男朋友见面了,一起吃饭的时候气氛很糟糕。

7.If someone were to break into my house now and seize my company laptop I would be amazed if they were to find anything terribly interesting.如果现在有窃贼闯入我家,偷走我的公司电脑,要是他们能从中找到很有价值的东西,我会非常吃惊。

8.The dark state to which her incurable passion for him had brought her now pained her terribly.她对他这么痴情,害得她掉进了这样悲惨的境地,真是万分心痛。

9.She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her.她过去十分腼腆,但在国外待了一年后完全变了。

10.Jay: I'll tell you now that you're much too fair for that colour, it would make you look terribly pale.杰伊:我得告诉你,你肤色太浅,不适合那种颜色,那种颜色可能会使你看起来很苍白。