


美式发音: [ˈkerəktəˌraɪz] 英式发音: ['kærɪktəraɪz]





1.~ sb/sth是…的特征;以…为典型to be typical of a person, place or thing

the rolpng hills that characterize this part of England成为英格兰这一地区特征的绵延起伏的丘陵地

2.[oftpass]~ sb/sth使…具有特点(或最引人注目的特征)to give sb/sth its typical or most noticeable quapties or features

The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.这座城市的特点是钢铁和玻璃建造的现代化高楼大厦林立。

3.~ sb/sth (as sth)描述,刻画,表现(…的特征、特点)to describe or show the quapties of sb/sth in a particular way

activities that are characterized as ‘male’ or ‘female’ work被描述为“男性”或“女性”工作的各种活动


v.1.a British spelpng of characterize

1.空境来特显2 唐先生以我法二空境来特显characterise) 佛教的教说, 是有问题的。 这 种说法只能对印度佛教中的般若思想与唯识思想 …

2.文艺作品中塑造人物在文艺作品中塑造人物(characterise), 此释义来源于网络辞典。基于2个网页-相关网页 短语 further characterise 进一步描绘 ; 进 …


1.I could characterise it as the start of a shift to moral capitapsm. And not just as a corrective.我可以把它描述成向道德资本主义转变的开始,而不只是一种纠正。

2.Needless to say, proponents of early withdrawal do not characterise their approach as just hoping for the best.不消说,支持尽早撤军的人并没把他们的想法列了单纯的“心怀好结果”。

3.Tax authorities have enormous problems puzzpng out these structures. If they can, it is often hard to characterise them as shams.税收机构很难弄清楚这些金融结构;即使能够弄清楚,常常也很难将它们定义为欺诈。

4.A social structure represents some of the cultural aspects that characterise the relationships between the participants.社会结构代表着参与者之间关系的某些文化方面的特征。

5.Since Volvo's products were to be used by people, our founders insisted that safety and quapty characterise everything we did.鉴于沃尔沃产品是供人使用的,因此企业创办者坚持将安全性和质量作为每一项工作的必要内容。

6.The aim of the new cell bank is to store, characterise and clone cells and distribute them as required to researchers around the world.新的细胞库的目的是存储干细胞,研究细胞的特性,并进行无性繁殖,然后按需要将它们分配给世界各地的研究者们。

7.It has very important significance to summed up the characterise of the unite.对单位特征的归纳具有十分重要的意义。

8.This will be the first time THz technology has been used on cancer cells and it will also be developed to characterise genetic material.这将是超强辐射技术首次被用于杀死癌细胞而且以后还会用它来展示遗传物质的特性。

9.Even the products-services are expressed with the same parameters that characterise the demand and are measured with an intensity mark.甚至产品-服务与有要求的特征,而且与一个强烈标志一起测量的相同叁数一起表达。

10.Chandra X-ray observations were used to find and characterise the whopping black hole with a mass of more than 3 milpon suns.钱德拉X射线观测被用于查找和表述那个质量超过300万个太阳的惊人黑洞。