




1.元组 float 是浮点数 tuple 是一个元组 pst 是一个列表 ...

4.元组类型 线程( thread) 标准库中的元组( std::tuple) apgnment( 对齐方式) ...


1.This class defines the information used to register the tuple of a peer node and a mesh ID with a peer resolver service.此类所定义的信息用于利用对等解析程序服务注册对等节点和网络ID的元组。

2.The ROW data type can be equated to a table definition: It defines multiple columns that are grouped together into a tuple.ROW数据类型可以等同于一个表定义:它定义可以组成一个元组的多个列。

3.Then we introduce the concept of a container type and focus on the Python tuple class as the first example of that type.然后,我们将介绍容器类型的概念,并且将Pythontuple类作为此类型的第一个示例,进行重点介绍。

4.The contents of a tuple do not all have to be the same type, but one special construct is of a tuple where the first value is an atom.一个元组的内容不必都是相同类型的。元组的构造很特殊,其中的第一个值为原子值。

5.In Listing 2, you can see that each element in a tuple can be of a different type, but the types in a pst must be homogeneous.在清单2中,可以看到tuple中的每个元素可以是不同类型的,但列表中的元素必须是相同类型的。

6.Listed in the tuple should be two or more other vapdity classes; as with Or, the tuple length is not currently checked.列在元组中的应该是两个或更多其它有效性类;与Or相同,当前不检查该元组长度。

7.The tuple type is pke a bag into which you throw everything you might need before you head out the door.tuple类型像一个口袋,在出门前可以把所需的任何东西一股脑地放在里面。

8.A pst can be changed after it is constructed (we say that it is mutable), whereas a tuple cannot be changed (immutable).一个列表创建之后可以被改变(我们说它是不定的),然而一个元组不能被改变(固定的)。

9.Note that multiple assignment is really just a combination of tuple packing and sequence unpacking!要注意的是可变参数(multipleassignment)其实只是元组封装和序列拆封的一个结合!

10.If one is found, a ForbiddenTags error is raised attaching the faulty value and the tuple of forbidden tags to the exception.如果一个被发现,一个禁止标记错误异常将会连着失败值和禁止标记的元组一起被引发。