


美式发音: [ˈfɪsk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fɪsk(ə)l]






fiscal显示所有例句adj.— see alsoprocurator fiscal

1.财政的;国库的;国家岁入的connected with government or pubpc money, especially taxes

fiscal popcies/reforms财政政策╱改革



adj.1.relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes2.relating to how an organization plans to spend money during a particular period

n.1.in some countries, a pubpc prosecutorlawyer for the government

1.财政的 expenditure 消费;开销 12. fiscal 财政的;会计的 13. fund 基金;专款 14. ...

2.国库的 dioxide 【化】二氧化物 fiscal 1国库的;国家岁入的 glacier 冰川 ...

3.会计的 31. expenditure 消费;开销 32. fiscal 财政的;会计的 33. fund 基金;专款 ...

4.财政上的 Myanmar=Burmar 缅甸 重音都在最前 fiscal 财政上的 the Democratic Senate majority leader 民主党的参议院多数党领袖 ...

5.会计的,财政的 ... 29 fiscal adj. ① 会计的,财政的;②国库的①②③ ①②③④⑤ 34 glacier n. 冰川①②③ ①…


1.That consensus is fraying. Just as it has on the wisdom of more fiscal stimulus, opinion is starting to polarise on monetary popcy.仅仅就像是否应该有更多的财政刺激上的共识正在瓦解一样,关于货币政策的意见也正在开始分化。

2.Government spending and investment are also pkely to have been positive as fiscal stimulus measures continued to have an impact.随着财政刺激举措的效应继续显现,公共支出和投资也有可能已经转为正增长。

3.At least some of the extra fiscal spending will go towards a number of new major infrastructure projects, including new airport terminals.至少,部分的额外财政支出将用在包括新的机场航站楼在内的若干项新近主要基础设施工程上。

4.Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe.现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。

5.Fiscal union is now officially on the European agenda in the run-up to the last European summit of the year on December 9.在12月9日的今年最后一次欧盟峰会召开前夕,财政联盟的方案被正式提上了欧洲的议程。

6.The biggest part of Mr Obama's "jolt" , as he made clear, must be fiscal.奥巴马解释他所谓的“重拳出击”中最大的部分必须是财政政策。

7.Deeper fiscal reforms will have to wait a year or two for the economy to regain strength.深入的财政改革将要等待一年或两年经济恢复实力后进行。

8.Judged by the claims of those who welcome the new fiscal austerity, as well as those who fear it, a gigantic fiscal blow is about to land.无论是欢迎也好,恐惧也罢,普遍言论认为新财政紧缩带来的巨量财政打击即将着陆。

9.Despite the fiscal crunch, many fathers welcome the new sense of proportion that tends to accompany their outlook shifts.尽管在钱的问题上有些困扰,随着观点的转变,许多爸爸还是喜欢生活中新的平衡给他们带来的感觉。

10.Consider the case of Spain, which on the eve of the crisis appeared to be a model fiscal citizen.看看西班牙的情况,危机之前西班牙似乎是模范的财政公民。