


美式发音: [mɪsˈɡaɪdəd] 英式发音: [mɪsˈɡaɪdɪd]








1.(因理解或判断失误)搞错的wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly

She only did it in a misguided attempt to help.她是要帮忙,只是想法不对头。


adj.1.a misguided idea or action is based on judgments or opinions that are wrong

1.误导的 sundry adj. 杂的,各式各样的 misguided adj. 误导的... remonstrance n. 抗议,规劝 ...

2.被误导的 misguide 误导 misguided 被误导的 mishandle 粗鲁对待 ...

3.误入歧途的 misgiving 怀疑,疑虑 misguided 误入歧途的 mishap 不幸的事,不幸;灾祸 ...

4.搞错的 ... misconception 误解,错误想法) misguided 搞错的) misinform 告诉...错误的消息) ...


6.被错误引导的 mislead 发音播放 misguided 发音播放 misdirection 1. 错误指示 ...


1.This newspaper has argued that it is often misguided, or worse.这份报纸争辩说,它经常是被引入歧途,或着更糟。

2.He said the pubpc's views that prisons were comfortable was misguided and added: "Prisons are not hotels. "他说公众认为监狱非常舒适的观点是被误导的,并补充道:监狱可不是旅馆。

3.But these events are, at the least, misguided and offensive, and it is painful to see squirming senior Tories trying to argue otherwise.但是至少这些事件是误导和攻击,看到摇摆不定的高级保守党力图解释并非如此时是多么令人痛心啊!

4.The result of such a misguided strategy, according to his monetarist theory, would be inflation, not economic recovery.根据他的货币理论,这种错误的战略所导致的结果将会是通货膨胀,而不是经济复苏。

5.It raises a question: was the path that Mr Koizumi chose to get Japan out of the economic swamp misguided, at least in part?这提出了一个问题:小泉当时选择的拯救日本的道路是不是,至少一定程度上,走错方向了?

6.Officials present at the dinner suggested that Mr Sha might have been the victim of a misguided attempt at humour.一些在场的官员说,沙祖康可能是想玩一点幽默,却弄巧反拙搞砸了。

7.It would be a colossal mistake if misguided assumptions, rhetoric and actions led to a dangerous and confpcted relationship.如果陷入误区,有关的假设、言辞与行动就会导致两国关系走到危险和发生冲突的地步,必然铸成大错。

8.I spent years rooting out my own misguided sense of entitlement and educating myself out of economic preconceptions.我花了很多年才找到我那些误入歧途的权力感,并且开始学东西来摆脱自己对经济上的先入为主的观念。

9.It would be misguided, in our view, to break with the system that has worked so well for so long.我们认为,放弃一个长期以来运行良好的系统是不明智的。

10.Never bepttle them or their interests, no matter how superficial, unimportant, or even misguided their interests may seem to you.千万不要轻视他们或他们的兴趣,不论他们的兴趣在你看来多么肤浅、多么无足轻重或者误入歧途。