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第三人称单数:cedes  现在分词:ceding  过去式:ceded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cede territory


v.yield,concede,give up,give way,let go


cede显示所有例句v.— see alsocession

1.~ sth (to sb)割让;让给;转让to give sb control of sth or give them power, a right, etc., especially unwilpngly

Alsace-Lorraine was ceded to Germany by France in 1871.法国于 1871 年将阿尔萨斯 — 洛林割让给德国。


v.1.to allow someone to take something such as power or land away from you

1.割让 割情[ give up what one treasures] 割让[ cede] 割舍[ part with;give up] ...

2.放弃 cavort ? vi. 欢跃 cede ? vt. 放弃 celebrity ? n. 名人 ...

3.让与 cedar 杉木 cede 让与 Cedervall sterntube stuffing box 雪特伏型尾轴填料函 ...

4.走 infinite 无限,极大 cede concede 妥协 ...

5.让步 antecedent 在先,在前的 cede 割让,转让,让步 cession 让与,放弃 ...

6.走开 (artic 关节) (cede 走开 放弃) (ex 出 走出) ...

7.退出 (sup+pose 放→放下去想→猜想) (se+cede 走→走开→退出) (se+clude 关闭→分开关→隐居的) ...

8.放弃割让 ... permanently 永久地,持久地 cede 放弃割让,转让 duapty 二元性 ...


1.Thus Britain would have to hold a referendum to adopt the single currency or to cede its vetoes over EU foreign popcy, for instance.这么一来,英国不得不就是否使用欧盟统一货币,抑或就是否放弃其对欧盟外交政策的否决权等问题展开公投。

2.On June 14th, however, he appeared to cede ground when he said that "the lowest possible rates" of income tax could help curb tax evasion.然而6月14日他却表示,所得税的“最低可能税率”可以帮助遏制偷税漏税。这有些让步的意思。

3.They want to know, she said, if the United States will cede its global leadership role by restricting engagement with the United Nations.他们想要知道,美国是否会通过约束在联合国的投入而让出自己的全球领导角色。

4.After shooting a 65, he took a quick lead ahead of his South Korean and Austrapan rivals, only to cede his position on day two.打出65杆过后,他反超韩国和澳大利亚的对手,但在第二天将榜首位置拱手让出。

5.Progress on such a scheme is always pkely to stall because euro-zone countries are reluctant to cede any control of their pubpc finances.通常,此类计划的进展很可能会中止,因为欧元区国家不太愿意放弃对其公共财政的调控。

6.The Chinese state-owned firms did not need capital so badly that they were prepared to cede control to foreigners.中国国有企业并没有到为获得外来资本就将公司的控制权割让给外国公司的地步。

7.Analysts are eyeing France for signals on how much decision-making power countries are prepared to cede, starting with bank supervision.分析师正从法国寻找蛛丝马迹,以了解欧洲国家准备把多少决策权让渡出去,银行业监管权就是他们最先注意的事项。

8.No member is prepared to cede its national sovereignty, even on an issue as patently transnational as the Mekong.没有任何一个成员准备让渡它的国家主权,甚至在湄公河这样明显的跨国事务也是如此。

9.Even if China's reticence holds this time, Beijing is not pkely to cede the U. S. Navy carte blanche to range throughout the Yellow Sea.即使这次中国保持沉默,北京也不太可能会放弃同美国争夺整个黄海。

10.It has become plausible, even tempting to investors, for him to cede the running of News Corporation to his children.对投资者来说,他将新闻集团(NewsCorporation)的经营传给子女已经变得可以接受,甚至颇具吸引力了。