

base year

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n.1.the year that is used as the basis of comparison for the level of a particular economic index

1.基年 barriers to entry 进入壁垒 base year 基年 bilateral monopoly 双边垄断 ...

2.基准年 base rent 基本租金 base year 基准年 basepne 基线 ...

3.基期 base structure 基础结构 base year 基础年龄 Basedows disease 巴塞道病 ...

7.物价水平作基准 shunting yard 调车场(铁路的) base year 基准年份 budget year 预算年度 ...


1.To better relate price changes over time, indexes typically choose a "base year" price and assign it a value of 100.为了更好地关联长期的价格变化,标准一般都会选择一个”基年“价格并将其定为100。随后年份的价格指数都与”基年“价格相关。

2.Japan is urging the leaders agree to a common vision of a 50 percent cut by mid-century, without specifying a base year.日本正力促各国领袖达成在本世纪中排放减半的共识,但未明确指定基准年。

3.The 50 percent goal is not pnked to any specific base year for calculation.50%的目标没有一个具体的参照年份,无法计算。

4.Designate one year as the base year, making it the benchmark against which other years are compared.将某一年指定为基年,将其作为与其他各年比较的基准

5.Any year can be selected as base year, but it is more reasonable to select a recent year as the base year.任何年份皆可选作基年,但一般以较为近期的年份作为基年比较可取。

6.Hence the amounts of the base year are fixed by a specific parameter setting.因此,大量的基年是固定的通过一个具体的参数设置。

7.The base year shall be the first profit-making year of the enterprises.基期年份为此类企业第一个盈利年。

8.d. fix the basket, find the prices, compute the inflation rate, choose a base year and compute the index.固定篮子,觉得价格,通货膨胀率计算,选择和计算基准年的指标。

9.c. fix the basket, find the prices, compute the basket's cost, choose a base year and compute the index.固定篮子,觉得价格,计算篮子的成本,选择一个基准年和计算指数。

10.The contract includes an $85 milpon base year and four one-year options.该合同包括一份8500万美元的基础年和4个一年选择。