




1.多裂肌多裂肌(multifidus)的意思,就是指背部深层由许多条分开的小肌肉所组成的。 多裂肌附着的方式是:由(PSIS)后上髂骨脊 向上延 …


1.Dissection is performed through the intermuscular plane between the multifidus and longissimus muscles.在多裂肌和最长肌的肌间隙进行剥离。

2.Postoperative multifidus (MF) atrophy and degeneration were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging.术后采用MRI评估椎旁肌的萎缩和退化程度。

3.The multifidus muscle in particular is important for dynamic stabipty of the spine (see Appendix).多裂肌对于脊柱的动态稳定性尤为重要。

4.Conclusions. These data resole the controersy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury.结论:上述数据解决了腰椎损伤后多裂肌横断面积是否迅速减少的疑问。

5.multifidus muscle shape, MRI signal and intramuscular spatial.多裂肌形态、信号及肌间隙的改变。

6.Tsutsumimoto et al. used MRI to assess the multifidus muscle in patients treated with a posterior lumbar interbody fusion21.Tsutsumimoto等使用MRI评估行后路腰椎体间融合术患者的多裂肌状况21。

7.The nerve supply to the multifidus is monosegmental, making it especially vulnerable to injury22, 23.多裂肌的神经分布为单节段性,使其特别易受损伤的影响22,23。

8.Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4-L6 after nerve lesion.结果:神经损伤后L4–L6椎间盘损伤的同侧多裂肌的横断面积减少。

9.Electromyographic activity of the multifidus: When sudden unbalance of patients spine with chronic low back pain慢性腰痛患者在脊柱突然失衡时多裂肌的肌电表现

10.Relationship Between Histologicomorphology and Ultrastructure of Multifidus Injury after Posterior Lumbar Spine Surgery腰椎后路术后骶棘肌损伤的组织形态学改变