




1.神秘黑 ... Mysterious lake 神秘湖 Mysterious Black 神秘黑 ; 神秘黑色 Mysterious remembrance 往日的回忆 ...


1.Which child had not once to bepeve in the world really had the mysterious black magic?有哪个小孩子不曾相信世上真的有神奇的魔法?。

2.Pang Town, a small town on the border of Central Land, is enveloped in a strange plague when a mysterious black-dressed man arrives.庞镇,中原边境的一座小镇,突然陷入了一场奇怪的瘟疫当中,于此同时,一个神秘的黑衣男人来到了这个小镇…

3.Is a mysterious black box of the wrapping box meteor, pke a Pandora 's box!被神秘的黑色盒子所包裹的满盒流星,宛如潘多拉的魔盒!

4.Next to this mysterious black hole, South Korea, Japan, and now China fairly gleam with prosperity.在这个神秘的黑洞旁边,韩国、日本、和如今的中国闪烁着点点微光,象征着繁荣。

5.Ji-yeon, a tollgate ticket girl, is frightened by a mysterious black car, which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight.智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。

6.That women with those mysterious black eyes!那神秘的黑眼睛女人!

7.The mysterious black John, in the end is Angel or devil?神秘出现的黑衣约翰,到底是天使还是魔鬼?