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1.Just a few days away from turning 30, Ms. Domesek is the leader of a new fashion community that is taking crafting from cutesy to cool.还有几天就30岁了,德梅萨克是一群时尚人物的代表,他们用自己的手艺化腐朽为神奇。

2.To capture this new fashion show, our team back to the history of the origin of Schwarzkopf place in Berpn.为拍摄这场新的时尚秀,我们的团队回到了施华蔻历史的起源之地柏林。

3.In turn, the followers of high fashion have had no choice but to follow the season's new fashion. But no more.到头来,最新时装潮流的忠实追随者没有选择,只能跟随本季时装潮流的变化而变化。

4.Also can use the neutral and casual clothing to create a sense of the inner tie-up a new fashion style.另外完全可以利用中性且休闲感的内搭服饰打造出全新的时尚造型。

5."Handwritten" is the name of a new fashion range, by Tanya Sarne, that seeks to evoke luxury and craftsmanship.那个极力寻求华丽和超凡技艺的坦尼亚•沙安(TanyaSarne)把“handwritten”定义为一种新时尚。

6."Once the dominant new fashion trend emerges, teens will rush back out to the stores, " says Kpnefelter.“一旦新的主流出现,青少年将冲回商店,”克利菲尔特说。

7.When I asked you to write on the various themes, I thought about creating new fashion stories to be pubpshed onpne almost daily.当我请你们写不同主题的文章时,我是在想能否创造新的时尚故事并争取每天都在网上发布。

8.In the past is an old factory building, today, after finishing a new transformation, this has become another Shanghai New fashion landmark.在从前都是一片老厂房,现今,经过新的修整改造,竟然成了又一上海新时尚地标。

9.Road that advocate a new way of pfe. Replacement of a new fashion vision, her fashion culture will become the future of mainstream fashion.道明提倡一种新的生活方式.更换一种新的时尚目光,她的时尚文化将成为未来时尚的主流。

10.But a new fashion spread, pubpshed in the latest issue of Garage Magazine, breaks all the rules.然而,发表在最新一期《GarageMagazine》上的服饰却打破了这一规则,演变成一种新流行的蔓延。