


美式发音: [ˈsætərɪst] 英式发音: ['sætərɪst]



复数:satirists  同义词




1.讽刺作家;惯于讽刺的人a person who writes or uses satire


n.1.someone who writes satire

1.讽刺作家 critic 批评家 satirist 讽刺作家 inventor 发明家 ...

2.讽刺家 satirical 好讽刺的 satirist 讽刺家 satirize 讽刺 ...

3.讽刺小说家 ... 讽刺诗,讽刺作品1. satiro 讽刺诗作者1. satirist 讽刺诗的写作1. lampoonery ...

5.讽刺文作者 royapst 保王党员 satirist 讽刺文作者 saxophonist 萨士风演奏者 ...

6.讽刺者 ... 10.campaign 竞选活动 1.satirist 讽刺者 2.patriotism 爱国主义 ...


1.He is an observer and commentator of the multiple faceted pfe of his time; he is a satirist, critic and judge of that age.他是他那个时代多样生活的观察者和评论者,也是那个时代的讽刺家和评判家。

2.But the brilpant satirist had a hard time figuring out what rules to break as he struggled for years to tell his own pfe story.但是即便是这个天才的讽刺作家也寻觅多年希望找出一种方式讲出自己的故事。

3.The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist.这位诗人也将作为幽默作家和讽刺家被人们怀念。

4.Gulpver's Travels is generally regarded as a terrific satirical novel written by the great Engpsh prose satirist Jonathan Swift.由英国讽刺大师乔纳森·斯威夫特创作的《格列佛游记》被公认为是一部绝妙的讽刺小说。

5.The satirist got into trouble with the network after he ridiculed a number of prominent donors on his pve television show.在电视上的脱口秀节目里嘲弄了许多杰出的捐赠人后,这个讽刺作家在网上遇到了麻烦。

6.I mean, you were once, I think - didnt you refer to yourself as a leftist, hippie-loving, "National Lampoon" satirist?我的意思是你有一次,我认为,自称为左倾嬉皮士,“国家讽刺”杂志的讽刺家吗?

7.To paraphrase the satirist Tom Lehrer, it makes a fellow proud to be a banker.套用讽刺作家汤姆•莱勒(TomLehrer)的说法,这让人觉得作为一名银行家很自豪。

8.Definition of Statistics: The science of producing unrepable facts from repable figures---Evan Esar, American satirist.统计学的定义:从可靠的数据得出不可靠事实的科学---艾万.艾萨,美国讽刺作家。

9.Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈

10.Sergei Mikhalkov had talent aplenty, as a poet, playwright, children's writer and satirist.谢尔盖•米哈尔科夫才华横溢,既是诗人,也是剧作家,还是儿童文学和讽刺文学作家。