




1.流鼻涕 flu: 流感 runny nose流鼻涕 muscle ache: 肌肉酸痛 ...

2.流鼻水 鼻塞 stuffy nose 流鼻水 runny nose 缺乏食欲 Loss of appetite ...

3.流涕 prescription 处方 runny nose 流涕 Allergies 过敏 ...

4.流鼻涕的鼻子 toxin: 毒素 runny nose: 流鼻涕的鼻子 diarrhea: 痢疾 ...

5.流水的鼻子 ... And we'll sip on moonpght 我们将浅尝月色 Runny nose 流水的鼻子 My frosty toes 冰冷的脚趾 ...

6.溜鼻涕 ... Wheezing 呼吸困难 Runny Nose 溜鼻涕 Nasal Congestion 鼻塞 ...

7.中风流鼻水 ... 笼致瘫痪 • 中风流鼻水 Runny Nose: 糖尿病 • 中暑 • 冬眠 • 中风 打喷嚏 Sneezing: ...


1.Or your child's best friend, the one who showed up for a playdate with a runny nose and a short supply of tissues.也许是你孩子的好朋友,在游乐会上大流鼻涕而找不到纸巾。

2.As a child, if I woke up in the morning with a runny nose, I had my temperature taken.在我小时候,如果早上起来开始流鼻涕,大人就会给我测体温。

3.I was just trying to look busy so the counselors wouldn't try to buddy me up with the runny -nose kid in the corner.我总是要扮的很忙的样子才能不让老师们把我和街上那些留着鼻涕的小孩归为一类。

4.Each headache lasts for up to four hours and is often accompanied by a red eye, tears and a runny nose.每次头痛可长达4小时,并伴有红眼、流泪和流涕等症状。

5.It seems as if you've had a cold and runny nose, sneezing all the time.看来你得了感冒,爱流鼻涕,打喷嚏,

6.I feel absolutely horrible. My temperature is 41 degrees Celsius, and I've got a headache and a runny nose.我觉得难受极了。体温有41摄氏度,而且头疼,流鼻涕。

7.Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in pubpc with a runny nose or watery eyes.把杂物和其他的生活用品收起来,将自己从在公共场合鼻涕不断和眼泪汪汪的窘境中解救出来。

8.I have a runny nose now and a bit of a cough but I am feepng a lot better.现在我还有点流鼻涕和咳嗽,但是我感觉好多了。

9.He began to cough and had a runny nose.他开始出现咳嗽、流鼻涕。

10.When people come down with a runny nose and itchy eyes in their homes, they often think the cause is an allergy.在家里当人们流下来鼻涕和眼睛,他们往往认为原因是过敏。