




1.不痛 Happy worship( 快乐崇拜) No pain( 不痛) Invisible Wings( 隐形的翅膀) ...

2.一分耕耘 ... lend sb. an ear 倾听某人说话 no pain,no gain. 一分耕耘,一分收获 no sweat 小事一桩 ...

3.没有痛苦 OF ETERNAL PEACE!" 这永世的安宁!” NO PAIN 没有痛苦 I'M QUITE SUR…

4.一份耕耘 energy 活力 No pain, No gain 一份耕耘,一份收获 “Dame”“ 达米”或者是…

5.无痛 •No Anesthesia 不需麻醉 •No Pain 无痛 •No Downtime 无恢复期 ...

6.没有付出 呼气 exhale 没有付出,就没有收获 no pain,no gain 柔韧度 nimbleness ...

7.没有汗水 Think twice before you do. 三思而后行。 no pain,no gain. 没有汗水,没有收获 有其父,必有其子。 Like father,pke son. ...

8.无痛感 Non-invasion 非侵入疗程 No pain 无痛感 No convalescence 无恢复期 ...


1.I feel no pain whatsoever and I am ready to help my team.无论怎样我已经不感到痛苦了,并且准备好了去帮助球队。

2.How much effort you invest on it will determine how good the result you will have in the end. As the famous saying goes "No pain, No gain! "你投入了多少的努力决定了你将最终获得什么样的结果,就像老话说的,不劳则无获。

3.it feels no pain as your fingers would feel, it has no soul, and cannot suffer such agony and torment as you will have to endure.水不像你的手指那样能感到疼,水也没有灵魂,不能像你那样必须忍受痛苦和折磨。

4.Then she looked at me with her old look -- big eyes, focused eyes, healthy expression_r_r, no pain, no fear.然后她用她以往的神情看着我……大大的眼睛,炯炯有神,健康的表情,没有痛苦,没有恐惧。

5."You won't, I'm not going to break, sweetheart. Besides they got so much morphine going through me that I'm in no pain. "“不会的我不是玻璃做的,一碰就坏亲爱的。再者,他们为我注射了大量的吗啡我不疼。”

6.When Mr. Obama was told that his father had died, he said, "I felt no pain, only the vague sense of an opportunity lost. "当奥巴马得知父亲去世时,他说,“我没有感到痛苦,只是对失去了一个机会而感到茫然。”

7.Want the numbness and don't come to, be in pfe of have no pain, have no in the dust, as well doesn't matter joy.要么麻木不醒,屈居于生活的尘灰中,无痛、无痒、亦无所谓乐。

8."It worked fine, " he said. "There was no pain. Tomorrow, (I'll) run a pttle bit further, put a pttle more weight on. "“情况不错,”他说“一点也不疼,明天,(我将)跑的更久一点,负重更多一点。”

9.To tell the truth, a day of wandering, no skills, no need to have no pain.说实话,一天天的游荡,不需技能,不必努力,也绝无痛苦。

10.I was thrown against the branches of the shelter. But I felt no pain. And a great silence had come.我一下子被抛到了我避雪处的大树枝子上,可没感觉到疼痛。接下来是一片寂静。