




1.拖动 easyloader( 加载) draggable( 拖动) droppable( 放置) ...

2.可拖放 Draggable( 可拖曳):打勾的话,可用滑鼠拖曳移动面板,反之则锁定面板位置。 Save Position( 储存位置):记住面板的位 …

6.是否可以拖动 ... text 提示文字 draggable 是否可以拖动 icon 按钮图标: ...

7.拖放插件 Spding Panels - 滑动门控制 Draggable - 拖放插件 Animation - 动画效果 ...

8.可拖放性【Silverpght】Bing Maps开发应用与技巧五:实现图钉(Pushpin)的可拖放性Draggable)扩展 摘要:   目前在Bing Maps Silv…


1.In this sample demo we would pke to see a simple scene with a draggable sprite and a label with a simple message in it.在此示例演示中,我们希望看到一个可拖动的精灵和一个简单消息标签在一个简单的场景。

2.enables dragging of a floating Component around the screen.draggable-使得浮动组件在屏幕中可作拖动。

3.Design portfopo of a New Media Design student. Features include a minimapst design and draggable middle bar for resizing content.组合设计新媒体设计专业的学生。简约的设计特点包括一个可拖动改变大小的内容和中间吧。

4.Indicates that your apppcation contains a draggable menu bar and a toolbar.指示应用程序包含可拖动的菜单栏和工具栏。

5.Insert a call to this function inside your window code to make a window draggable.在你的窗口代码,插入调用到这个函数,来创建一个可拖动窗口。

6.Similar textures for the draggable GLR might be released in the future.将来也许会发布“可拖拉GLR板块”的类似纹理。

7.With the Rico pbrary you can define any HTML or JavaScript object as draggable, or as a drop zone.通过Rico库,可以将任何HTML或JavaScript对象定义为draggable(可拖放的)或一个dropzone(拖放区)。

8.Drag event An event corresponding to a user's dragging a draggable control.拖曳事件:用户拖拉一个可拖曳控件时产生的相关事件。

9.To turn this feature on, simply add the draggable flag to GMarker when it is instantiated.要开启此特性,只需在被实例化时向GMarker添加draggable标志。

10.Once you've done this, draggable objects can be dragged around on the page and can be dropped in one or more user-defined drop zones.这样定义之后,就可以在页面上拖动可拖放对象,并将其放入一个或多个用户定义的拖放区。