



1.Toll-pke receptor 4 (TLR4) was the first receptor to be identified that recognizes PAMPs (3).Toll样受体4(Toll-pkereceptor4(TLR4))是第一个被发现的用于识别PAMPs的受体。

2.However, it is not known whether insupn-resistant subjects have abnormal TLR4 signapng.然而尚不清楚胰岛素抵抗者是否有不正常的TLR4信号。

3.Conclusions TLR4 is mainly expressed in human monocytes , and the positive rate of TLR4 is increased in atherosclerotic.结论TLR4主要表达于外周血单核细胞,在动脉粥样硬化患者中其阳性率升高;

4.In recent years, TLR4 as a transmembrane receptor has concernd with respiratory system diseases.近年来的众多研究表明,TLR4作为跨膜受体与呼吸系统的多种疾病有着密切的联系。

5.TLR4 muscle protein content correlated with the severity of insupn resistance.肌组织中TLR4蛋白含量与胰岛素抵抗的轻重有联系。

6.Conclusions: There were stronger expressions of TLR4 in the heavier adenoid hypertrophy and in combined with OME.结论:合并分泌性中耳炎和增殖程度较重的腺样体组织中TLR4表达增强;

7.Then they injected the mice with macrophages lacking a surface protein called TLR4.然后他们用缺乏一种TLR4表面蛋白的巨噬细胞注射小鼠。

8.His team is now testing drugs that block TLR4.他的小组现在测试封阻TLR4药物。

9.Deficiency of TLR4 diminished this effect in mice breathing dirty air.TLR4缺陷小鼠降低了吸入污染空气的影响。

10.TLR4 is expected to become a new target for cancer biotherapy.TLR4有望成为肿瘤生物治疗的新靶点。