


美式发音: [krik] 英式发音: [kriːk]




第三人称单数:creaks  过去式:creaked  现在分词:creaking  同义词




1.[i]嘎吱作响(开门或踩上木地板等时发出的声音)to make the sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it or that a wooden floor sometimes makes when you step on it

She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.她听见楼上的地板发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。

a creaking bed/gate/stair嘎吱作响的床╱大门╱楼梯

The table creaked and groaned under the weight.那张桌子在重压下嘎吱嘎吱作响。

The door creaked open.门嘎吱一声开了。

IDMcreak under the strain因负担过重而效率低下;由于压力过大而运转不灵if a system or servicecreaks under the strain , it cannot deal effectively with all the things it is expected to do or providen.

1.[c]嘎吱声a sound, for example that sometimes made by a door when it opens or shuts, or by a wooden floor when you step on it

the creak/creaking of the door门的嘎吱声

Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.远处嘎吱嘎吱的声音回响在漆黑的走廊里,怪可怕的。



v.1.if something creaks, especially something wooden, it makes a high noise when it moves or when you put weight on it2.to move along while making prolonged squeaking noises3.if a system, method, or organization creaks, it no longer works well

n.1.a prolonged squeaking noise

1.咯吱 咯咯〖 cluck;cackle〗 咯吱〖 groan;creak〗 咯血〖 haemoptysis〗 ...

2.嘎吱 5. 嘎啦[ rumble,rattle] 8. 嘎吱[ creak] 嘎巴[ snap;crack] ...

3.吱吱作响 craving 渴望 creak 吱吱响声;v.吱吱作响 credence 信任 ...

4.吱吱嘎嘎地作响 countercheck 阻挡,妨碍,对抗方法 creak 吱吱嘎嘎地作响 croak 蛙鸣声 ...

5.吱吱响声 craving 渴望 creak 吱吱响声;v.吱吱作响 credence 信任 ...

6.辗轧声 crayon n. 蜡笔,蜡笔画; creak n. 辗轧声; crease n. 折痕; ...

7.吱吱嘎嘎声 lean 倾斜 creak 吱吱嘎嘎声 screak 尖锐刺耳声 ...

8.嘎吱作响 crash 巨响;炸雷;撞击 creak (门、木板)嘎吱作响 crow 公鸡打鸣 ...


1.Harry heard something creak outside. He hoped the roof wasn't going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did.哈利听到外面有什么东西吱吱作响。他希望屋顶可别塌下来,虽说真那样的话他倒可能会觉得暖和些了。

2.I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open.当门开始嘎吱一下打开时,我感到一阵恐怖袭上心头。

3.Ugh! how I creak; now I shall certainly get the gout, pke the old clothespress, ugh!像那个老碗柜一样,我想我一定得了痛风病!我背上得了痛风病,噢!

4.She heard the bamboo door creak and looked round -her daughter's head, all bloody, was rolpng across the floor towards her bed!她又听得竹门响,她又看见女儿的头血淋淋地滚到竹榻边!

5.The folded doors creak open, and a six-year-old boy hops off, followed by his mom.折叠门在辗轧声中打开,一个六岁的男孩跳着走了下来,接着是他的妈妈。

6.But she was far too heavy. With a creak and crack, the chair fell to pieces.但是她太重了,随着吱吱、喀嚓的声音,椅子裂成了碎片。

7.European bond markets continued to creak as buyers remained scarce.由于买家稀少,欧洲债券市场仍处于勉力维持的境地。

8.Ancient girders girders creak and groan , ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can.古木大梁压得嘎吱作响,缆索开始绷紧,接着便见一滴滴的油沿着一条石槽流入一只废旧汽油桶里。

9.A wind was springing up outside , making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs .户外正起风,刮得园子里几棵高高的老树光秃秃的枝桠嘎啦啦响。

10.The door opened with a creak. ; The door squeaked open.门呀的一声开了。