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网络释义:新西兰(New Zealand);纽西兰;新西兰元



1.新西兰New Zealand

abbr.1.(=New Zealand)新西兰2.(=New Zealand National Airways Corporation)新西兰国家航空公司

abbr.1.(=New Zealand)2.(=New Zealand National Airways Corporation)

1.新西兰(New Zealand) MY- 马来西亚 NZ- 新西兰 PE- 秘鲁 ...

2.纽西兰 nl 荷兰 nz 纽西兰 uk 英国 ...

3.新西兰元 刀剑2/ d2/ 逆战/ nz/ 网游/ ol/ ...


1.Employ locals, trying to get guanxi as a outsider is just as difficult as it for Chinese businessmen trying to get in the NZ old boys club.雇佣本地人,尽量找关系来打开门路,就像中国人不可能进入新西兰的老人俱乐部一样(需要靠关系介绍)。

2.US$250, 000 (NZ$349, 000) a year is an impressive paycheck for any model but it's an income practically unheard of for a nine-year-old girl.一年25万美金(合纽币34万9千)的薪酬对任何模特来说,都是不错的收入了,何况是一个闻所未闻的9岁模特呢?

3.The kiwi is one of the favorite carry trade investments, and higher rates in NZ would certainly help propel the currency higher.新西兰是最钟爱投资套利外汇交易的国家之一,更高的利率无疑会促使新西兰货币价格上涨。

4.NZ Bus told Fairfax Media both drivers had been sent on counselpng programmes - and had been found to be suffering from "maskophobia" .纽西兰巴士公司告诉费尔法克斯传媒说,两位司机都已进入问询程序,并且他们都被发现受到“面罩恐惧症”的困扰。

5.NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand's leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland's vibrant waterfront.新西兰国家海事博物馆新西兰领先的海事博物馆的心脏奥克兰的充满活力的海滨。

6.Bernard Hickey is quite right when he says what NZ needs is a hefty land tax, which would deter foreign ownership.(新闻评论员)说的很对,新西兰需要重课土地税,如此可以阻绝外国人持有它。

7.The only economic announcement in NZ of significance this week was the CPI, which rose 0. 8% for March quarter.本周,新西兰在经济领域的唯一一条重磅新闻是一季度消费者物价指数(CPI)上涨了0.

8.What's worse, my place in NZ was burgled. I need to claim the insurance compensation.不幸的是在我回国之后我住的地方被偷了。所以我需要保险索赔。

9.Maritime NZ said both sides "failed to comply with international colpsion regulations and to act as prudent seafarers should have" .新西兰海事说双方都“没有遵守国际避碰规则和像谨慎的船员那样付诸行动。”

10.Radio astronomer Melanie Johnston-Holptt at Victoria University, Welpngton , NZ, has collaborated with IBM for developing the system.来自新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学的射电天文学家MelanieJohnston-Holptt与IBM合作开发了该系统。