


美式发音: [nə'poʊljən] 英式发音: [nə'pəʊljən]






n.1.a rectangular flaky pastry shape filled with custard cream2.a gold coin formerly used in France, equivalent to 20 francs


3.拿破仑传 路易十四 Louis XIV 拿破仑一世 Napoleon 戴高乐 De Gaulle ...

5.拿破仑流浪记 云中漫步 A Walk in the Cloud 拿破仑流浪记 Napoleon 七宗罪 Se7en ...

6.拿破仑酒店 ... My Hotel In France Montmartre( 我的法国蒙马特尔酒店) Napoleon( 拿破仑酒店) Nemours( 内穆尔酒店…

7.拿破仑牌白兰地酒 napkin 尿布 Napoleon 拿破仑牌白兰地酒 nappa 纳帕手套羊皮 ...

8.法国拿破仑法国拿破仑(NAPOLEON)http://blog.sina网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/u/2356251872 [ 订阅 ][ 手机订阅 ] 新浪BLOG意见反馈留言板 不良信息反馈  …


1.Another series of facts was in preparation, in which there was no longer any room for Napoleon.一系列的事变早已在酝酿中,迫使拿破仑不能再有立足之地。

2.As the German city of Colberg, it was slap bang on the invasion route for a number of armies, including Napoleon's.就如同德国的科尔伯格市,科沃布热格处在许多军队侵略路线上,遭到了轮番的轰炸。

3.Wendy thought Napoleon could have got it, but I can picture him trying, and then going off in a passion, slamming the door.温迪认为拿破仑可以得到它,但我可以想像他尝试,然后被砰的一声关上门打撒了所有热情。

4.Reference: A SOLDIER WILL FIGHT Engpsh: A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. "- Napoleon Bonaparte"一个士兵会持续战斗,并为获得一个小小的带颜色的绶带而努力。“-拿破仑•波拿巴”

5.At the battle of Borodino Napoleon did not fire at any one, nor kill any one. All that was done by his soldiers.在波罗底诺战役中,拿破仑没有对任何人射击,也没有杀一个人,一切都是士兵做的。

6.You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And on the inside, he made an inscription "Destiny" .你知道拿破仑给了约瑟芬什么结婚礼物吗?是一个金匣子,他在里面刻了字“命运”。

7.'It's not as if it was the Napoleon days, ' she said this month, 'where I decide and then it happens. '拉加德本月说:现在可不是拿破仑(Napoleon)当年那种一个人说了算的时代了,不能我说什么是什么。

8.Since the great action since the launch boycott of napoleon, stubborn support thugs napoleon's death is still goes upstream repentance!自从抵制拿破仑大行动发起以来,顽固的支持恶棍拿破仑的流逝逆流至今仍死不悔改!!

9."It's a piece of history, " she said, noting that it dated from a time when "Napoleon was fighting in Egypt. "她说:“这个啤酒杯见证了一段历史”,可追溯到“拿破仑攻打埃及”那个年代。

10.You may be deapng with a modern day Napoleon in the office if your manager demands the unachievable from her subordinates.如果你的经理强求她的下属完成不可能任务,那你可能就是遭遇了现代办公室拿破仑。