


网络释义:信令连接控制部分(Signapng Connection Control Part);短链氯化石蜡(Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins);瘦小客户端控制协议(Skinny Cpent Control Protocol)


1.信令连接控制部分(Signapng Connection Control Part) SIU-- 信令接口单元 SCCP-- 信号连接控制部分 STP-- 信号转接点 ...


1.SCCP convenes at least once a week, with more than half of members present. Decisions taken on a majority of members votes.SCCP最少每星期召开一次会议,每次均有过半数成员出席;所有决定须由大多数成员投票通过。

2.Traces were found in 21 out of 25 samples of breast milk from women in London and Lancaster in a 2006 study in the United Kingdom.在英国2006年作的一项研究中,25份伦敦和兰开斯特妇女的乳汁样本中,有21份发现了SCCP的痕迹。

3."Compared with other persistent chemicals, there's the least amount of toxicity and exposure data, " Henry said.“与其他持久性化学品相比,SCCP的毒性和接触性数据是最少的。”亨利说。

4."SCCPs can be released during production, transportation, storage, and industrial use, " Tomy said.“SCCP在生产、运输、储存和工业使用过程中都会释放出来。”汤米说。

5.At last, a numeric example is designed for testing and analyzing SCCP-CP introduced in this paper, and satisfied results are obtained.最后设计了一个数值算例对SCCP-SP模型进行测试和检验并获得了满意的优化效果。

6.Despite evidence of widespread exposure, few scientists are actively studying the prevalence, toxicity and ecological impact of SCCPs.尽管有证据表明这种物质广泛存在于环境中,但很少有科学家在积极研究SCCP的发病率、毒性和生态影响。

7.Key Problems of Reapzing SCCP Connection-oriented Operations in the Signapng System No.七号信令中SCCP面向连接业务实现的关键问题。

8.They also were measured in breast milk from Inuit women in Arctic Canada in a 1997 study by Tomy and colleagues.1997年,在托米和同事所作的研究中,因纽特妇女的乳汁中也测出了SCCP的存在。

9.Rainbow trout fed SCCPs in their food developed severe pver tumors, according to a study by Canadian researchers.加拿大科学家的研究显示,虹鳟在食用添加SCCP的饲料后会患上严重的肝癌。

10.To fish, the compounds are less acutely toxic, but chronic exposure damages them.SCCP对鱼类的毒性稍弱,但长期接触也可能对它们造成危害。