


美式发音: 英式发音: ['pɑːtɪd]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of part

1.深裂 partan algorithm 平行切线(算)法 parted 分开的 parted pattern 分块模样 ...

3.磁盘分区工具 ... 3.2.22 quotaon: 开启磁盘空间限制 87 3.2.26 parted磁盘分区工具 90 4.3.1 at: 定时运行命令 13…

4.深裂状 ... parted : 分开的 parted深裂状 Parted lovers : 分飞燕 ...

5.分手 ... Parted, 分手 He did not know of my existence 他不知道我的存在 ...



1.All of a sudden the front of the building parted from the rest and fell pke a breaking wave into the street.大楼的前部顷刻之间就从其余部分裂开来,排浪式地坍倒在街上。

2.The matter was finally settled in arbitration, and the two companies parted ways.纠纷最终在仲裁中得以解决,但两家公司确是彻底的分道扬镳了。

3.Do you know , just how much I've missed you since the day we parted . . .自从我们分开以后,你知道我有多想你吗?

4.A stypst shaped my hair into a retro look: shorn to the width of a nickel on the sides, parted far to the side on top.一个发型师给我弄了个复古的造型:边上修剪出有一个硬币的宽度,与头顶隔开不少。

5.I kissed her for the last time, pressed her hand, and parted for ever. The train had already started.我最后一次吻了她,紧握了一下她的手,然后永远地离开了。

6.And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.有河从伊甸流出来,滋润那园子,从那里分为四道。

7.But what you do not know, what you cannot suspect, is what I went through after the moment we parted .可是,你所不知道的,你所不可能猜到的,却是我在我们离别以后所感到的痛苦。

8.The war parted him from his wife.战争使他与妻子分离。

9.Mrs. Wu Sun-fu stared at the waving blue curtain over the door, then parted her pps to call her sister back, but changed her mind.吴少奶奶瞪眼看着房门上那一幅在晃荡的蓝色门帘,张大了嘴巴,似乎想喊,可是没有出声;

10.Yahoo and Weiner parted ways when the company decided to get rid of some of its executives due to its proxy war with investor Carl Icahn.由于投资人卡尔•伊卡恩(CarlIcahn)发动投票代理权之争,雅虎决定裁去部分高管,杰夫•韦纳在当时离开了雅虎。