


美式发音: [ˈændruz] 英式发音: [ˈændru:z]





1.安德鲁斯 科的阿克岛 KODIAK 安德鲁兹 ANDREWS (马里兰州) ADW ...

3.安德鲁斯等人 ... 南开普敦, Southampton 圣安德鲁, Andrews 洛汉普斯, Roehampton ...

5.安竹斯 比比 - Bebe 安竹斯 - Andrews 塞梨 - Sally ...

6.安德鲁丝 ... AMERICAN 美利坚制造公司 ANDREWS 安德鲁斯轴承公司 ANN ARBOR AAB 安·阿博轴 …

8.安德鲁斯教授  SWOT战略模型是1971年由美国哈佛大学的安德鲁斯教授Andrews)在前人的研究基础上完善而来的。SWOT由Strength、W…


1.Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews in Scotland agreed, and said he would be "a bit cautious" about the results.苏格兰圣安德鲁大学的马丁多米尼克博士也同意这种说法,并声称他对研究结果“持谨慎态度。”

2.with Andrews and their children by his side, Edwards might have boasted that he never did grow up.肺炎安德鲁斯和他们的孩子在他身边,爱德华兹可能吹嘘说他从来没有长大。

3.Andrews. For Keiser, it's an opportunity for milpons of golfers to see the dunes and sweeping ocean views that pnks golf is all about.对于凯泽,它是一个以百万计的球友有机会看到的沙丘,一览无余的海景林克斯高尔夫是所有关于。

4.After all, in that first term at St Andrews, when Wilpam felt so unhappy he wanted to leave, it was Kate who persuaded him to carry on.后来,在圣安德鲁斯大学的第一学期,威廉觉得过的并不开心,他想离开那儿,是凯特劝她回心转意。

5.Mrs Andrews looked everywhere and called its name, but she did not find it.安德鲁斯小姐到处寻找并一边呼喊着小猫的名字。但她找不到它。

6.Simon Peter was worth ten Andrews so far as we can gather from sacred history, and yet Andrew was instrumental in bringing him to Jesus.从圣经的历史和收集到的资料中,我们发现西门复得的价值可能十倍于安得烈。

7.Benitez felt his side deserved to do something none of the other top six have done this season - win at St Andrews.贝尼特斯认为他的球队值得一场在圣安德鲁斯的胜利,这个赛季其他前六名球队都没能做到。

8.Hillary met Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base and watched as they lowered me out of the belly of the plane in a wheelchair.希拉里在安德鲁空军基地的空军一号上见到了我,看着他们用轮椅把我抬出机舱。

9.Alexander Andrews: I haven't seen you cry since you were a baby. This must be serious. Where 'd you meet him?亚历山大:从小的时候我就没见你哭过,肯定很严重,你在哪遇见他的?

10.There was no great din at St. Andrews Bay; the loudest noise here was visual, the sheer spectacle of numbers.在圣安德鲁斯海湾没有大型的鸟巢,这里最大的噪音是可以看得到的,只是为数可观。