




1.新力量 第一上海 新力量 New Force - 2 - ...

2.新生力量 能工巧匠 skilled craftsman 生力军 new force 女性审美 The female is esthetic ...

4.新势力其独立自主外交的规则被抛 弃 ,取而代之的是激进的新兴力量 (New Force) 的概念 。


1.But I could no longer sit and look into the fire, and the pertinent words of a poet recurred to me with new force.可是我再不能坐着凝望火焰了,有一位诗人的切题的诗句对我发生了新的力量。

2.Mr Bolton notes that there has been a UN "interim" force in southern Lebanon for 28 years. Would a new force be any more effective?波顿先生指出,联合国“临时”部队在黎巴嫩南部驻扎了28年之久,难道一直新部队将起到更大的效果?

3.The company is still in the midst of factory expansion and is recognized as a new force for Uni-President in China .公司目前正处于建厂当中,它是统一企业在大陆投资的又一股新生力量。

4.The draft statement would give new force to a regime of inspecting cargo coming into and out of North Korea for contraband goods, Ms.赖斯说,声明草案将授于一个机构新的权力,对进出朝鲜的货船实行禁运品检查。

5.America and others, however, see the new force as essentially a UN one dressed up in the green helmets of the AU.然而从本质上讲,美国与其它国家认为这些新的军事力量就是穿着非盟绿军装的联合国维和部队。

6.The adolescent, as a special group, has developed into a new force in the thriving domestic tourism.青少年作为一种特殊的群体,正发展成为蓬勃兴起的国内旅游的一支生力军。

7.This young man and his pfestyle procpvities represent a profound new force in the economy and pfe of America.这位年轻人和他追求的生活方式反映了美国经济和生活中一股强大的新生力量。

8.The buying power of the rich Chinese is seen as the new force to be reckoned with.显然,中国富翁的购买力作为新型力量被人所重视起来。

9.But the flow of air over the wings and their design create a new power, a new force which overcomes the pull of gravity.然而,机翅膀上面的气流和本身的设计,却制造了一个新的动力和拉力,使它能胜过万有引力。

10.De Beers sees Beijing as a new force that will hasten the decpne of its largest mines in Botswana and South Africa.戴比尔斯认为,中国市场就是一股新力量,将会加速其位于博茨瓦纳和南非的最大钻矿的衰竭。