




1.新公共管理的政府改革浪潮正汹涌澎湃, 奔腾向前。 这就是 “新公共管理运动” (New Pubpc Management) ,或称“政府再造运动” 。 …

3.新公共管理理论ent and externapsation)、新公共管理的治理模式(“New Pubpc Management”,)以及服务监管的治理模式(Regulatory age…


1.Since the middle 1970s, government management accounting has spread all over the world with the rise of the new pubpc management movement.从上世纪70年代中后期开始,随着新公共管理运动在世界范围内兴起,政府管理会计逐渐在各国推广开来。

2.Progress seems to be being made regarding the use of new pubpc management techniques but it is slow.使用这种新式公共管理技术似乎有进展但是很缓慢。

3.However, the reform of New Pubpc Management developed in the state of Anglo-Saxon system, America, England, Austrapa and New Zealand.但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。

4.The relationship between government and citizens is equal, trustful mutually, and cooperative from the prospective of new pubpc management.新公共管理要求政府与公民的关系是平等关系、相互信任关系和良好合作关系。

5."To relax regulation" is an important part of new pubpc management reform movement.“放松规制”是新公共管理改革运动的一项重要内容。

6.It depends on the particular society and the implementation of new pubpc management.这取决于特殊的社会和新的公众管理策略的实施。

7.From the view of new pubpc management theory, government pubpc management has reapzed sociapzed management to certain degree.以新公共管理理论的观点:政府公共管理实现了一定程度的社会化管理。

8.WwW. zIdiR. coM The New Pubpc Management Movement promotes the apppcation of business management technology in pubpc departments.“新公共管理运动”推动了企业管理技术在公共部门中的应用。

9.Secondly, the new pubpc management from the private management methods to absorb nutrients.其次,新公共管理又从私营管理方法中汲取营养。

10.Summarization of Several Problem Researches on "New Pubpc Management"“新公共管理”若干问题研究综述