




1.康茂德 6. 阿维狄乌斯·卡西乌斯( Avidius Cassius) 7. 科莫德斯Commodus) 8. 柏提那克斯( Pertinax) ...

4.罗马皇帝康莫德斯 ... 史文·欧尔·托尔森( Sven-Ole Thorsen) 罗马皇帝康茂德Commodus) 康妮·尼尔森( Connie Nielsen) ...

6.皇帝康莫杜斯第4章始于180年 皇帝康莫杜斯(Commodus)的即位,记述开 始详备,按着历史发展的时间顺序一直写 到1453年东罗马帝国的 …


1.From the time of Commodus, who participated in its mysteries, its supporters were to be found in all classes.克蒙突斯时期开始,分享了它的神秘,它的支持者在所有阶级都可以找到。

2.Except last emperor Commodus, other every emperor did not have blood relationship.除最后一任皇帝康莫德之外,其余各位皇帝并不存在血缘关系。

3.COMMODUS: I doubt many of the people eat as well as you do, Gracchus, or have such splendid mistresses , Gais.卡曼杜斯:我不觉得有很多人可以吃得像你一样好,格拉克斯,或者有那么多美丽的情妇,盖斯。

4.Commodus: The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story!科莫多斯:变成奴隶的将军。变成角斗士的奴隶。挑战皇帝的角斗士。多么惊人的故事!

5.You have known that since you were young. Commodus cannot rule. He must not rule.你年轻时已知道了,康茂德不能统治,绝不可让他统治。

6.In addition to that, the movie compresses Commodus' 13-year reign into what can't be more than two years.除此之后,电影还把康茂德13年的当政时间缩短为了两年。

7.Betrayed, Commodus kills his father and orders Maximus' execution.感觉被出卖,康茂德杀了他的父亲还下令处决马克西姆斯。

8.Commodus: You wrote to me once, psting the four chief virtues.科莫多斯:你曾将四种首要的美德写给我。

9.Lucilla: Peace. Commodus, After two weeks in the road, your incessant schemint is hurting my head.安静,康莫德斯。,自从上路二周以来,你不断的疑心搞得我头痛。

10.Commodus: If he weren't really dying. he wouldn't have sent for us.如果他不是快死了,他不会召唤我们。