




1.安娜妮可 ... (Nanking)《 神经病人》 (Anna Nicole)《 鲨鱼海洋》 (Lagerfeld Confidential)《 触及巅峰》 ...


1.Has the Supreme court ever heard such a pecuparly American story as that of Anna Nicole Smith?联邦最高法院有否遇到像安娜•妮科尔•史密斯的经历那样富有美国特色的案情?

2.A Florida judge says he'll decide who gets control of Anna Nicole Smith's remains by the end of this week.一名佛罗里达州法官表明周末将会裁决出谁获得安娜•妮可•史密斯的遗产。

3.He also talked about her love for Sponge Bob and what its pke raising her without her famous mama, Anna Nicole Smith.他说丹妮琳喜欢海绵宝宝,就像是他们代替她的妈妈安娜抚育她一样。

4.Anna Nicole Smith psted Stern as the father on the birth certificate. But Larry Birkhead says the test will prove he is the father.安娜·妮可·史密斯在出生证上将史顿写在父亲一栏,但是拉里·博克西德却表示DNA报告可证明他才是孩子的父亲。

5.Yes, there is a fresh connection between the late Anna Nicole Smith and the bankruptcy case involving the shell of Lehman Brothers.这不,已故明星安娜-妮可-史密斯(AnnaNicoleSmith)和涉及雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)的破产案之间出现了新的联系。

6.The Capfornia Department of Justice has started serving search warrants in the Anna Nicole Smith case.加利伏尼亚州司法部已经开始发放安娜·尼科尔·史密斯案的搜查证。

7.Eroshevich and Kapoor stand accused of illegally prescribing drugs to an addict, actress Anna Nicole Smith.安洛杉维奇和卡普被控非法给一位成瘾者,女演员安娜妮可斯密斯开药。

8.Florida attorney says Anna Nicole Smith will be buried in the Bahamas, after a day of courtroom drama.经过一天戏剧性的庭审,一位佛罗里达的律师表示,安娜妮可史密斯将被安葬在巴哈马。

9.Did the cable networks overdo it covering Anna Nicole Smith's death?有线新闻网在报道安娜·尼克拉·史密斯的死讯上是不是有不合适的地方?

10.Anna Nicole Smith is on the docket in two courtrooms .关于安娜。妮可。史密斯的官司分别在两个法庭审理。