




1.看电影看电影Nice Movie) - 人人小站


1.Tom: Just a few days ago. It's a nice movie. I think everyone should watch it and think over it.几天前才看过。是一部很好的电影。我觉得每个人都应该去看看,并且好好想想。

2.Listen to the music, watch the nice movie and picture, love of art, but it is not in the art of yourself.听好听的音乐,看好的电影和画,爱心中的艺术,但绝不是艺术中的自己。

3.j. Well, it's a nice movie; unfortunately, I can't follow it without Chinese subtitles.这是一部好电影;可惜的是,没有汉语字幕,我看不懂啊。

4.We sometimes spend hours cooking and eating while watching a nice movie.我们有时花几个小时看着电影,边做边吃。

5.For example, we wanted to enjoy the nice movie yesterday, but she kept complaining about her job, family and pfe.比如说,昨天我们都想好好看那部有意思的电影,但她不住地抱怨她的工作、家庭和生活。

6.Traffic: The Miniseries , the nice movie, shows a pfe-and-death struggle for most secret agents on America's borders.交通:小型的电视连续剧,是部好的电影,揭示了在美国的边境上大多数特工人员生死攸关的斗争。

7.It was a nice movie.这是一个很好的电影。

8.Nice movie, Im downloading it right now!好电影,我这就下载它,马上!

9.I practiced basketball in the morning. Then I went to the movies with Sandy. Isaw White Nights. It was a very nice movie!我在早上练习篮球。然后我去看了沙质电影。我看到白夜。它是一部非常优秀的电影!

10.It's a nice movie.是一部很好的电影。