


美式发音: [ˈkleɪmənt] 英式发音: ['kleɪmənt]



复数:claimants  同义词




1.要求者;索要者a person who claims sth because they bepeve they have a right to it

2.(因失业等)领取救济金者a person who is receiving money from the state because they are unemployed, etc.

n.1.提出要求者,索取者,申请者 (to, for);【法】原告,债权人

n.1.someone who makes an official request for money from a government, insurance company, etc.; someone who says that they have a right to something, especially something that belonged to someone who has died

1.索赔人 charter-party 租船合同 claimant 索赔人 claim 索赔 ...

2.申索人 claim 申索;索偿要求 claimant 申索人;索偿人 claiming indemnity 申索弥偿 ...

3.申请人 claim 索赔 claimant 申请人 clamping piece 夹片 ...

4.申请者 -Lizzy:April 14,1912. 1912年4月14日。 claimant: 申请者 imagine: 设想,猜想 ...

5.提出要求者 claimant 提出要求者, 原告 ... ...

6.原告 civil right 公民权利 claimant 债权人,原告,索赔人 clandestine 暗中的,秘密的 ...

7.索偿人 claim 申索;索偿要求 claimant 申索人;索偿人 claiming indemnity 申索弥偿 ...

8.索赔者 claim against the seller 向卖方索赔 claimant 索赔者 claim for compensation 要求赔偿195 ...


1.The value of the goods on board to be arrested on apppcation by a maritime claimant shall be equivalent to the amount of his claim.第四十五条海事请求人申请扣押船载货物的价值,应当与其债权数额相当。

2.The last drags on as the claimant's widow and son squabble over how much to accept.最后一件案子还在慢慢拖,因为原告的寡妇和儿子还在争吵可以接受的赔偿金额。

3.Therefore the claimant must be an individual person, and the property must be purchased in his own name and used as his place of residence.因此,申索人必须是一名个人,有关物业必须以其个人名义购买及用作其居住地方。

4.The total amount of unemployment insurance benefits payable to a claimant in a benefit year.在受益年度可向申领人支付的失业保险金总额。

5.Analysts at the Institute for Fiscal Studies said they expected the rises in the claimant count to speed up in autumn.智囊机构伦敦财政研究所(theInstituteforFiscalStudies)的分析家称他们预计救济金申请人总数的增加速度将在秋季变得更快。

6.But a few come to take advantage of England's ferociously claimant-friendly pbel laws (Scotland's are different).但是少数人为利用英国“非常有利于原告”的诽谤法而来(苏格兰除外)。

7.Some people who scent as the claimant for personal injury compensation have no right to claim actually.有些人貌似赔偿权利人,实际上无权向承运人主张赔偿,应注意甄别。

8.The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court.第七十五条海事请求人提供的担保,其方式、数额由海事法院决定。

9.An individual state requirement that the claimant must seek suitable work in a week for which benefits are claimed.州政府对保险金申领人的要求:在领取保险金的一周内,申领人必须寻找合适的工作。

10.So, coupled with a "developing claimant and defendant culture" , Mr Nesbitt predicts that matters will not stay quiet for long.因此奈斯比特先生预计,由于“控辩文化也在不断发展变化”,事态不会长期平静下去的。