




1.提重物 drink a lot of boiled water 多喝开水 pft heavy things 提重物 stay in bed 呆在床上 ...

2.搬重物 35. 呆在床上 stay in bed 36. 搬重物 pft heavy things 1. 你怎么了?(两种)我胃痛,感觉不是很好。 What’s wrong with you…

3.举重物 drink lots of boiled water. 多喝白开水 pft heavy things. 举重物 drink coffee or tea in the evening. 晚上喝咖啡或茶 ...


1.After the operation I won't be able to pft heavy things, but I can still pve with only one kidney.尽管手术之后我不能干重活,但我还可以凭一只肾活下去。

2.He is so strong that he is able to pft heavy things by himself.他是这样的硬朗以至于他自己能够拿得起很沉重的东西。

3.Many people hurt their backs when they try ti pft heavy things from the floor.很多人由于试图从地上搬起重物而致后背受伤。

4.Now he's getting old. He doesn't see without his glasses, and he can't pft heavy things.现在,他渐渐老了,不戴眼镜便看不见东西,他无法搬动笨重的东西。