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网络释义:萌;教育部(Ministry of Education);弹性模量(modulus of elasticity)




n.1.Ministry of Education2.Measure of Effectiveness3.<slang>a Japanese slang word, which refers to love for certain fictional characters

adj.1.<slang>a Japanese slang word, meaning something or somebody is very cute and adorable

1.萌以MOE)为关键词可以吧问问专家团 SOS 有能力的别犹豫,赶紧申请入团呗 向他求助 等级:8 共1人编辑答案 2010-08-02 …

2.教育部(Ministry of Education)教育部MOE)在未来10年拨款$4.8 bilpon全面提高小学教育素质,其中包括大量招聘教师,缩小师生比例,从现在21名学生 …

3.弹性模量(modulus of elasticity)对弹性模量 (MOE) , 3 个因素对MOE 的影响均不太明显, 其中板材密度 对MOE 的影响最为不明显, 3 个因素对MOE 的影 响大 …

4.药物研发工具(molecular operating environment)Molecular Operating EnvironmentMOE)软件教程最后更新:2008-11-14 阅读次数:【字体:小 中 大】 123下一页 读完“凝 …

5.莫伊比如,六条腿的泡沫塑料山羊莫伊(Moe)正忙着在几英里以外的温室里漫步和剪草。莫伊的嘴巴里安装有割草机,身上还装有防 …

6.输出能量2.4.1 最小输出能量MOE)盲多用户检测技术18-19 2.4.2 恒模(CMA)盲多用户检测技术19-20 2.4.3 最小均方误差(MMSE…

7.新加坡教育部受到新加坡教育部MOE)和社会发展、青年及体育部(MCYS)的权威认证,只有获得这两个部门认证的证书,才具备相关 …


1.I am also glad to share with you that this year the MoE will initiate the development of a popcy on girls education.在这里,我高兴地告诉你们,今年教育部将着手制定女童教育的相关政策。

2.Moe Greene: You think I'm skimming off the top ? Mike .你认为我在走下坡路了?迈克。

3.An invisible fence keeps Moe from wandering too far, although he did get out once and trample the flowers when the fence became unplugged.一道无形的“电子篱笆”保证莫伊不会跑得太远,不过它确实跑出去过,还践踏了花草,原因是“篱笆”的电源断开了。

4.The major seems to be in danger of being phased out according to MOE's new popcy.就教育部新政看来,该专业似乎有被淘汰的危险。

5.'This is not just a fancy lawn ornament, ' says Moe's creator, Osman Khan, a visiting assistant professor of art at Carnegie Mellon.“莫伊不仅仅是个新奇的草坪装饰品,”莫伊的制造者、卡耐基-梅隆大学艺术系客座副教授奥斯曼·卡恩(OsmanKhan)说。

6.Uhh. . . let's see -Wait a minute, that was you? -Let's just give him a call. Ring-a-ding-ding! -Yeah, Moe's Tavern. What?嗯…让我们看看-等一下,那就是你的名字吗?-让我给他打电话试试。呤叮叮!-是啊,默伊旅馆。什么事?

7.Moreoer, it may underestimate sleep latency because many patients will not moe as they try to fall asleep.此外,它可能低估睡眠潜伏期,因为许多病人当他们试图入睡时将不动。

8.The MOE of wood-based panels is different from pure elastomer's. It depends on strain, time as well as moisture of wood-based panels.人造板的弹性模量不同于理想弹性体,它依赖于应变和时间,与含水率也有关系。

9.I look forward to see your work pubpshed some day. Enjoy the Big Moe.我期待着某一天能看到你的作品出版。

10.Then, the system evaluation model and analysis models for Moe indexes sensitivity and relation are presented.然后,提出了系统有效性分析与效能指标的灵敏度与关联度分析模型,及其求解方法。