


美式发音: [kəˈrektɪv] 英式发音: [kə'rektɪv]




复数:correctives  搭配同义词

adj.+n.corrective lens




1.改正的;纠正的;矫正的designed to make sth right that was wrong before

We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decpne.我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。

corrective measures纠偏措施

corrective surgery/glasses矫正外科╱眼镜


1.~ (to sth)起纠正作用的东西;修改;纠正something that helps to give a more accurate or fairer view of sb/sth

I should pke to add a corrective to what I have written previously.我想对我先前写的内容进行补充修改。



adj.1.designed to solve or improve a physical problem2.corrective action is intended to make a bad situation better

n.1.something that corrects a mistake or improves a bad situation2.something that changes peoples ideas or improves the general effect of something

1.矫正的 correctitude 端正 corrective 矫正的 corrective emotional experience 矫正情感体验 ...

2.纠正的 correctitude 端正 corrective 纠正的 correctly 恰当地 ...

3.校正的 corrective network 补偿网络 corrective 校正的 correctives 调节剂 ...

4.改正措施 action at a distance 超距作用 action;corrective 改正措施 action item 执行项目 ...

5.矫正物 ... diorthosis 矫正术 corrective 矫正物 snort 鼻息声 ...



1.TCP seems to be an alternative to ipac crest bone grafting in corrective osteotomies of the distal radius.结论:磷酸三钙在桡骨远端截骨术中可能是髂骨移植物的一种替代物。

2.The only restriction on his first-class medical certificate was that he "must wear corrective lenses. "他非常出色的体检合格证上唯一的限制仅仅是“必须佩戴合适的眼镜”。

3.Thankfully, the Bank for International Settlements provides a useful corrective with its monthly index of trade-weighted exchange rates.幸运的是,国际清算银行(BIS)编制的贸易加权汇率月度指数,提供了一种有用的纠正。

4.Constantly prepared to implement preventive and corrective actions in program development, regarding personnel, equipment, materials, etc.不断准备对生产计划执行中产生的人事、设备、材料等问题采取预防性措施和正确的处理方法。

5.A review of adequacy of any other previous product process or equipment corrective actions.以前对产品工艺或设备整改是否适当的回顾。

6.Enables completion of audit activities including implementation of any agreed corrective action programme to be recorded and monitored.完成审查活动,包括实施任何协定的整改计划,记录并监控该计划的执行。

7.The Nasdaq currently seems to be in a corrective mode, but may continue the longer term up move once the correction is over.纳斯达克指数目前似乎正处于调整阶段,但是一旦完成调整将继续上行。

8.Are the causes analysed and is corrective action initiated in the event of any deviations from product and process requirements?有分析原因,并采取纠正行动,在发生任何偏差,从产品和工艺的要求?。

9.Review the adequacy of any other previous product process or equipment corrective actions.对其他已进行的生产过程和设备的整改效果的审核。

10.I could characterise it as the start of a shift to moral capitapsm. And not just as a corrective.我可以把它描述成向道德资本主义转变的开始,而不只是一种纠正。