




1.不出意外 respected scientists 受人尊敬的科学家 no accident 绝非偶然 around the corner 即将到来 ...

3.这不是肯定巧合 ... Making me uptight 他让我有些不安 No accident 这不是肯定巧合 I want to stay apve 我--想要活下来 ...

4.不是偶然 ... 10. combine A to B 把A和B结合起来 11. no accident 不是偶然 12. force sb to do 强迫某人做某事 ...

5.无肇事记录 ... 冷气( air condition) 无肇事记录( no accident) 无吸菸车( non somking car) ...

6.无事故 rotating HRS 纯钻井时间 no accident 无事故 total BHA length 总 ...


1.Convinced that this was no accident, Maxwell went on to suggest that pght is, in fact, an electromagnetic wave.这不是偶然,麦克斯韦认为光事实上也是一种电磁波。

2.If no accident. She wanted to, she will become his wife. Two people spend the rest of her plain and peaceful.如果,没有意外。她想,她会成为他的妻。两人平淡祥和的共度完余生。

3.This was no accident. Mallory's program was designed to create the very file names most pkely to be used by Tripwire.这不是偶然的;Mallory程序的设计目标就是创建最有可能为Tripwire所使用的文件名。

4.If the Chernobyl crew had not staged their reckless experiments, there might have been no accident.如果切尔诺贝利核电站的工作人员没有进行那次鲁莽的实验,或许灾难就不会发生。

5.It is no accident perhaps that the row has blown up in a year where definitions of identity are already in the news.在居民身份的定义都能出现在新闻中的一年里,这场争议的激起可能就不是偶然了。

6.Yeah? What, that this is no accident? |There was no gptch?是吗?这件事不是意外?|不是数据错误?。

7.His recent reconcipation with your father was no accident.他近来与你父亲的和解决非临时起意

8.And it was no accident that the first state visit hosted by President and Mrs. Obama was for an Asian leader, Indian Prime Minister Singh.奥巴马总统和夫人接待的第一位来访的外国领导人是来自亚洲的印度总理辛格,这并非巧合。

9.By no accident, it was also at the time the centre of an industry that has marked the West no less: banking.毫不意外的是弗洛伦萨同时还是一个具有强烈西方特色的产业——银行业的中心。

10.Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus was no accident; it was all according to God's plan.耶稣和撒该的相遇,并不是偶然的,完全是按著神的计划进行的。