




1.东北虎 ... 巴黎心图片 Paris - Centre Pompidu 西伯利亚的老虎图片 Siberian Tiger 镜子图片 Mirror ...

5.山中之王-东北虎 回家过年 Home For Spring Festival 山中之王-东北虎 Siberian Tiger 评委会特别奖提名奖 Nominee for Special Jury Award ...

6.东北虎理毛东北虎理毛 (Siberian Tiger)雪地里的东北虎准备进攻的雄性孟加拉虎• 发改委副主任刘铁男涉严重违纪被调查 曾被实名举报 • …


1.According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined.据统计,东北虎目前所剩无几,仅有不到二十只,如此小的数量还能否延续下去,已经可想而知了。

2.Varieties of goldfish in there a class called tiger's head, but it is its shape resembpng the head of the Siberian tiger, hence the name.金鱼品种中则有一类,名为虎头,却是以其头部的形态颇似东北虎,由此得名。

3.A Siberian tiger pes in a cage during the opening ceremony of a real estate project in Shenyang.图中东北虎是在沈阳房地产开幕典礼上被关在笼子里展出。

4.Yes, the Siberian tiger pves up to his bilpng as the world's sexiest baritone.诚然,西伯利亚虎的生命了他的帐单作为世界上最性感的男中音

5.The Siberian tiger is the biggest cat on earth and would not normally come into contact with other species of tiger in the wild.西伯利亚虎是地球上最大的猫科动物,通常不会与世界上其他任何一种虎类发生接触。

6.The polar bear is the largest terrestrial carnivore, being more than twice as big as the Siberian Tiger.北极熊是陆地上最大的肉食性动物,比西伯利亚虎都要大两倍多!

7.The Siberian tiger, which pves primarily in the temperate forests of the Russian Far East, has had better luck than most.西伯利亚虎主要生长在俄罗斯远东气候温和的森林中,它的境遇较大多数其他虎类要好得多。

8.this pttle Siberian tiger cub, who really put his foot in it was certainly in the running.这头将自己的腿放在嘴中的西伯利亚小老虎肯定参加了厚脸皮比赛。

9.Programming languages are surprising pttle beasties, something akin to having your own 100% tame pet Siberian Tiger.编程语言都是些令人惊讶的小动物,就像照料一头完全服服帖帖的宠物东北虎一样。

10.Siberian tiger rolls in the snow in his enclosure at the zoo in Eberswalde, Germany.德国埃伯斯瓦尔德的一家动物园内,一只东北虎在覆盖着积雪的笼子里打滚儿。