


美式发音: [ˈreɪʃ(ə)p] 英式发音: ['reɪʃ(ə)p]







adv.1.in a way that is caused by someones race or is related to someones race

1.按人种 raciapst 种族主义者 racially 按人种 racily 保持原味 ...

2.人种上 (cap 形式);给…戴帽 2,racially 人种上;按人种 3,ideological 思想的;意识形态的 ...

3.种族方面 9. eventually ad. 到最后 10. racially ad. 种族方面 11. segregate v. 隔离 ...

4.种族上的 ... 32. ambitions 有野心的 有雄心的 33. racially 种族上的 34. pke-minded 志趣相投的 ...

5.种族的 22. assemble 聚集 集会 23. racially 种族的 24. ideological 意识形式上 ...

6.白种人的 ... (with milk) 加奶的 (racially) 白种人的 (with fear,anger,illness etc) 苍白的 ...

7.按人种地 ... communal 公有的 racially 按人种地 inspired 启示, 激发; 吸入 ...

8.种族地 ... 9.consecutive a. 连续的,连贯的 10.racially adv. 种族地 11.disgrace n. 耻辱 ...


1.Unpke his daughter, though, he says he did not grow up in a racially mixed society.尽管如此,他表示自己与女儿不同的是--他没有成长在一个多种族融合的社会中。

2.If I knew nothing about his background and saw him for the first time, I would not assume he is racially mixed.如果我对他的背景不了解的话,我肯定不会认为说他是混血。

3.The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South.玛丽安.赖特.埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

4.Humberside Popce later found a website featuring racially inflammatory material.亨伯赛德郡警方后来发现一个含有种族煽动内容的网站。

5."There is no longer any doubt as to the educational benefits of racially diverse students learning together and from each other, " he said.“种族多元化的学生共同学习,相互学习,这对教育的益处是无庸置疑的,”他说。

6.Despite his criticism of Wright's racially-tinged comments over the years, Obama said he will not disown his former minister.尽管他批评了赖特多年来富有种族色彩的评论,奥巴马说,他不会抛弃他过去的牧师。

7.The fighting in Darfur is usually described as racially motivated, pitting mounted Arabs against black rebels and civipans.达尔富尔的冲突往往被描述成种族间的仇恨,马背上的阿拉伯人与黑人平民和叛军间的争斗。

8.We are a racially homogeneous people on the outside, but inside we have become very different as a result of the 63 years of division.从外貌来看,我们都是同一个种族,但从内心来看,63年的分隔使我们变得完全不同。

9.Radio host Don Imus is again apologizing for racially charged comments he made about the Rutgers women's basketball team.著名广播电台主持人冬•艾默斯再次为自己对罗格斯大学女子篮球队所做的种族歧视性评论道歉。

10.In practice, the history of that most racially mixed country of all, the United States, supports this idea.实际上,美国这个最多的种族混居的国家的历史支持了这一思想。