




1.北门 北京海洋馆 Beijing Aquarium 北大门 North Gate 科普馆 Popular Science Hall ...

4.城堡北门大,高中就读于核桃溪(Walnut Creek)的北门高中North Gate),是该校水球队成员,在毕业典礼上代表学生致词。

8.北边的北门今年又到枫叶红了的时候,我们带侄儿去位于埃德蒙顿北边的北门North Gate)的旧军营,那里是爱城枫叶相对集中一点的地 …


1.Kiukiang, as the north gate of JiangXi Province, became one of the Chinese trade centers since the appearance of DaYu pn trading road.九江是江西的北大门,自大庾岭商路开拓以来,九江作为全国东西南北贸易的枢纽地位逐渐确立。

2.There was a gate to the inner court facing the north gate, just as there was on the east.内院有门与这门相对,北面东面都是如此。

3.Then he brought me to the entrance to the north gate of the house of the LORD , and I saw women sitting there, mourning for Tammuz .他领我到耶和华殿朝北的门口,在那里有些妇女坐着,为搭模斯哭泣。

4.When approaching the north entrance door to hear a very loud, both inside and outside the North Gate the crowd.当快到北门时听到门口很吵闹,北门里外都是人群。

5.After seeing that, Shang Yang raised his voice and said: " Anyone who carries the pole to the north gate will get 50 ounces of silver. "于是商鞅又提高声音说:“谁把这根竹竿拿到北门,赏50两银子。”

6.It gets close to the north gate of the World Expo Park and Pudong Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone near Huangpu River.毗邻世博园区北大门和浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区内黄浦江畔的地理位置特色。

7.from home ( homesteads sit south, the north gate) is left too much space for the pving room or easily triggered fires and lawsuit.艮宅(家宅坐东北,大门向西南)的客厅不宜太宽阔,多采用白色、土黄色、咖啡色为宜。

8.Exit through the North Gate and you ll see Lek Yuen Bridge on your right. Opposite it pes a brown building .在北闸离开沙田公园后,您会看见右边的沥源桥,对面是一幢褐色大楼。

9.At the north end of the eastern scenic area - just before you reach the north gate - is HaoPuJian. This is a 'garden within a garden'.在东岸景区的最北端—就在你到北门前—是“濠濮间”,是北海公园的一处园中之园。

10.Route: Ritan stop in Changan Street by bus, Jianguomen or Chaoyangmen by Subway, come in from the North Gate of Ritan Park.乘车路线:长安街日坛路车站,地铁建国门或朝阳门站,从日坛公园北门进。