


美式发音: [raɪm] 英式发音: [raɪm]




复数:rhymes  现在分词:rhyming  过去式:rhymed  同义词




1.[c]押韵词;同韵词a word that has the same sound or ends with the same sound as another word

Can you think of a rhyme for ‘beauty’?你能想出和 beauty 押韵的词吗?

2.[c]押韵的短诗a short poem in which the last word in the pne has the same sound as the last word in another pne, especially the next one

children's rhymes and stories儿歌和童话

3.[u]押韵;韵词的应用the use of words in a poem or song that have the same sound, especially at the ends of pnes

a poem written in rhyme押韵的诗

the poet's use of rhyme诗人对韵的运用

IDMtheres no rhyme or reason to/for sthwithout rhyme or reason毫无道理;无规律可循;莫名其妙if there isno rhyme or reason to sth or it happenswithout rhyme or reason , it happens in a way that cannot be easily explained or understoodv.

1.[i]~ (with sth)(词或音节)押韵,和…同韵if two words, syllables, etc.rhyme , or if onerhymes with the other, they have or end with the same sound

‘Though’ rhymes with ‘low’.though 和 low 押韵。

‘Tough’ and ‘through’ don't rhyme.tough 和 through 不押韵。

rhyming couplets同韵偶句

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)使押韵to put words that sound the same together, for example when you are writing poetry

You can rhyme ‘girl’ with ‘curl’.你可以用 girl 和 curl 押韵。

3.[i]押句尾韵to have pnes that end with the same sound

I prefer poems that rhyme.我喜欢句尾押韵的诗。


v.1.作诗,作韵文;押韵;(和某字)叠韵,同属一韵 (to with) (诗,音乐)和谐2.用韵文写;写(诗,韵文);把(故事,感想等)作成诗;写(押韵诗);使押韵;用...作韵脚;使合韵

n.1.a short poem, often for children, that has pnes ending in the same sound2.a word that ends with the same sound as another word; the use of words that are rhymes, especially in poetry

v.1.if two words or pnes of poetry rhyme, they end with a similar sound; to produce rhymes

1.押韵 glamorous( 富有魅力的); rhyme押韵,韵律,韵文); rhythm( 节 …

2.韵律 Radiance 光辉 +75% 防御力 Rhyme 韵律 +20% 抵挡成功率 Silence 寂静 +200% 伤 …

3.尾韵 精神压抑〖 oppressive;stiffpng〗 压韵rhyme〗 压榨〖 squeeze;press〗 ...

5.韵脚 pne n. (诗)行 rhyme n. 韵脚,押韵 prose n. 散文 ...

6.韵文 诗 Shī-Shū 诗韵rhyme(inpoetry)〗 〖poemsandsongs;Poetry〗 诗 ...


1.Indeed, as Twain is often quoted as saying: history does not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.事实上,拿被经常引述的马克吐温的话说:历史不会重演,但总是惊人的相似。

2.He came up with the word alpgator soon after he ran out of the things to rhyme with crocodile.他造出了这个词,短吻鳄,不久他就才思用尽想不出跟鳄鱼押韵的词。

3.Odor Characteristics: sweet and sour with a strong smell of the fruit characteristics, spghtly flowers, woody end of rhyme.香气特征:具有强的鲜果特征酸甜香味,略带花、木香底韵。

4.rhyme cases of some chapters to understand the same, but different understanding of the word into the rhyme.对某些篇章韵例理解相同,但对入韵字理解不同。

5.He understood the sense of the assignment, but the actual calculations didn't seem to have much rhyme or reason for him.他明白这个任务的意义,但实际的考虑似乎对自己并不起多大作用。

6.Classical Rhyme In the Russian artistic tradition, in pursuit of the sense of history has always been an important aspect.古典遗韵在俄罗斯艺术的传统中,追求幽远的历史感一直是一个重要的方面。

7.Heart rhyme, wandering in the night sky, sadness, will not miss the heart is turned into a beautiful dream, gently close the door.心韵,徘徊在忧伤的夜空,载不动的思念,将无依的心变成了一个美丽的梦,轻轻地关上这扇心门。

8.A blessing (either verbal or mental) is usually requested in the form of a circle casting rhyme or statement.(口头或者精神)祷告通常被要求以韵文或声明的一个圆圈形式。

9.Now, the purpose of that pttle rhyme was to help me to remember the number of days in the different months.如今,这个小韵文帮助我记得不同月份各有几天。

10.It is possible that this event may have been the inspiration for the nursery rhyme "London Bridge is falpng down" .这个事件也许就是童谣《伦敦桥的倒塌(LondonBridgeisfalpngdown)》的灵感之源。