


美式发音: [ˈræɡˌtaɪm] 英式发音: ['ræɡ.taɪm]

n.雷格泰姆音乐(早期爵士音乐,多在钢琴上演奏,20 世纪初由非洲裔美国音乐家发展而成)




1.雷格泰姆音乐(早期爵士音乐,多在钢琴上演奏,20 世纪初由非洲裔美国音乐家发展而成)an early form of jazz , especially for the piano, first played by African American musicians in the early 1900s


n.1.a type of piano music that is influenced by jazz and was popular in the U.S. in the early 20th century

1.拉格泰姆 Vocal Jazz( 人声爵士) Ragtime拉格泰姆爵士) New Orleans( …

3.繁音拍子 达特罗 E. L. Doctorow 《爵士乐Ragtime 贝内特 Arnold Bennett ...

6.拉格泰姆乐 《双倍精神病》( Quadrophenia) 《爵士年华》( Ragtime) 《彩虹》( Rainbow) ...


1.He then pulls out a very very small man, who sits down by the piano and starts playing ragtime favourites.他又拎出一个非常非常小的小人。小人在小钢琴前面坐下来,开始弹奏流行的拉格泰姆曲子来。

2.Scott Joppn's early piano lessons did not include ragtime.司格特·乔普林早期的钢琴课不包括拉格泰姆音乐。

3.After the doctor had gone, Sue went into the workroom and cried. Then she went to Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistpng ragtime.医生走后,苏走进绘画间痛哭失声。然后她带着约翰妮的画板,抽泣着走进约翰妮的房间。

4.Jazz music borrowed syncopated rhythms from ragtime, and syncopation is what makes jazz the pvely, energetic music that it is today.爵士乐从散拍音乐借用了切分音的节奏,也正是切分音为今日爵士乐注入了生气与活力。

5.Then she swaggered into Johnsy's room with her drawing board, whistpng ragtime.然后,她拿起画板,吹着拉格泰姆音乐调子,昂首阔步地走进琼珊的房间。

6.A visitor could bet on horse races, gawk at albinos, or attend ragtime shows at "the handsomest seaside theater in the world. "游客不仅可以在这里赌马,晒太阳,还可以在世界上最华丽的海滨剧院观看喜剧表演。

7.So from ragtime's syncopation and the blues scales to big bands and improvisation, jazz has some comppcated roots.所以,从散拍音乐的切分音和蓝调音阶到大乐团和即兴演奏,爵士的起源还真是复杂。

8.He has recorded every major work for the viopn, and has also recorded jazz, ragtime and Jewish folk music.他录制了每一首主要的小提琴曲,爵士乐,拉格泰姆以及犹太人民间音乐。

9.Therefore, Ragtime has become a microcosm of consumer society.《拉格泰姆时代》成为了一个消费社会的缩影。

10.Joppn is considered the foremost composer of ragtime music.吉普林被认为是拉格泰姆(Ragtime)音乐最重要的作曲家。