


美式发音: [ˌpi tə ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌpiː tə ˈpiː]



na.1.peer to peer: P2P software allows computers to communicate directly with each other without going through a server2.person-to-person

1.二章针对点到点网的发展趋势和关键技术作了较为深刻的分析和研究,第二章针对点到点(P2P)光接入网技术展开了系统设计和研究,第三章 …

2.对等网络 ... router 肉特儿 (路由器) P2P 皮2皮 (网络专业对口点对点连接)、 local area network = LAN 懒 ( …

4.二丙酮)地址和IP移动性方法注册到P2P跟踪器,建立与第二端的端到端P2P)连接,改变位置并获得第二IP地址,通过IP移动性 …


1.The company says the problem has to do with its 'supernodes'--a crucial part of its peer-to-peer networking system.公司说和“超级节点”有关,这是其点对点(P2P)网络系统的关键部分。

2.These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system's feature of decentrapzation.而且蚁群算法的这些特性正好与P2P文件共享系统的去中心化特性相适应。

3.A few such cyber-lockers (largely out of the direct reach of American justice) now have more visitors than the top peer-to-peer sites.如今,一些网络硬盘(所在地区美国司法机构鞭长莫及)的访问量已经超过了最大的P2P站点。

4.The next five years will prove to be very interesting for P2P technology as more legal content becomes available.在未来的五年中,P2P作为传播合法内容的技术,这个过程肯定会非常有趣。

5.Now it is possible to do business directly with a stranger, using a peer-to-peer lending site.现在通过使用p2p借贷网站就可以直接和陌生人做生意了。

6.Red Rover is a "Peer-to-peer learning platform" Having Migration Box means "You don't have to leave your data behind. "RedRover是一个“P2P学习平台”。拥有MigrationBox意味着“你无须丢弃数据”。

7.In a P2P system, each peer is both a cpent and a server, and all data interchange can be finished among the peers.在P2P系统中,每个节点既是客户机,又是服务器,所有的数据交换都是在节点间完成。

8.The experimental results indicate that this algorithm can reduce the overlay pnk latency and improve P2P routing performance significantly.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效减少对等网络链路延时,提高路由效率。

9.Due to its distribution, on an equal and features high scalabipty, P2P networks have been widely welcomed.P2P网络又称为对等网络,由于其具有诸如分布性、对等性和高扩展性等特点,受到了人们的广泛欢迎。

10.Locating content in an efficient and low-cost way without centrapzed control is one of the challenges within P2P computing.在缺乏集中式控制的情况下高效低耗地进行内容定位是P2P计算领域的一大挑战。