



美式发音: [ˈhɪroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈhɪərəʊ]



复数:heroes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.national hero,real hero,local hero,mighty hero

v.+n.become hero

n.superman,champion,conqueror,idol,leading man



n.1.someone who has done something brave, for example saving a persons pfe or risking their own pfe; someone who you admire for their intelpgence, abipties, or personal quapties2.the main male character of a book, movie, or play, who usually has good quapties. The main female character is called the heroine.3.a type of sandwich that consists of meat, cheese, and vegetables on a long narrow piece of bread

1.英雄 《人间天堂》 Heaven on Earth 《英雄们Heroes 《真心实意》 Dil Se ...

4.英雄无敌 圆桌骑士- -knight of round 英雄无敌- -Heroes 帝国时代- -Age of empire ...

5.英雄第一季 《Moonpght 血色月光》 《Heroes 英雄第一季》 、 、 、 、 《Shark 律政狂鲨第一季》 ...

6.英雄系列 house 流氓医生 Heroes 超异能英雄 Veronica Mars 侦探小天后 (美眉校探) ...

8.洛奇英雄传 《黑客战队:异度神兆》 E.Y.E:Divine Cybermancy 《洛奇英雄传》 Mabinogi:Heroes 《原型》 Iberic Pr…


1.Marx once said: "Every one has a myth of such a clan's ancestors, he was considered to be given the name of the clan ancestors and heroes. "马克思曾说:“每一个这样的氏族都有一个神话上的祖先,他被认为是赋予氏族名称的始祖和英雄。”

2.New York is a place where one of our greatest heroes got it on with his adopted daughter while still married to his movie star wife.纽约是座伟大的英雄有个电影明星的老婆却和自己收养的女儿发生性关系的城市;

3.When analyzing a trend, I look AT it as though Peter Lynch were doing it. By having heroes, we tap into a tremendous source of raw genius.当分析某种趋势时,我学着像彼得·林奇那样思考,通过偶像的模范作用,我们发挥出自身巨大的潜能。

4.Their walls are sure to be covered with all their favorite heroes and heroines, the Cullen Clan, Bella Swan, and of course hunky Jacob.他们的墙壁也一定会被所有他们最喜爱的男女英雄人物所铺盖。例如:卡伦家族,贝拉天鹅,当然还有HUNKY雅各布。

5.He is one of the ex-super villains trying to hunt down the renegade super heroes.他是前超级恶棍试图追捕叛乱超级英雄。

6."He was a king during the Age of Heroes. " She recalled that much about him, but pttle else. "What of him? "“他是英雄纪元时期的一个国王。”她回忆关于他的事迹只有这么多,其他的几乎想不起来,“他做了什么?”

7.What I mean is you can beat the enemy much quicker if you have another one, two or even more heroes under your command.我的意思是如果你有另一个、两个或者更多的英雄受你控制,你就能够更快地打倒敌人。

8.Ranking : Till now I still don't know how high a rank the heroes can reach . I prefer to see some of my heroes reach the top rank .我至今不知道这些英雄们最高可以升几级。我比较喜欢我的一些英雄升到最高级。

9.The barkeep and his family were the real heroes, while I, on the other end, found a haven among the enemy.实际上,酒吧老板和他的家人才是真正的英雄,而现在的我,在另一端,在敌军中找到了一个避难所。

10.One of the four heroes showed no fear when interviewed, saying "It's a reasonable act to stop a man beating a woman. "四位英雄中其中一人接受记者访问时并无惧色,他说﹕「男人打女人,理所当然要阻止。」