


美式发音: [ˈsnoʊi] 英式发音: [ˈsnəʊi]



比较级:snowier  最高级:snowiest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.snowy mountain




1.[ubn]被雪覆盖的covered with snow

snowy fields白雪覆盖的田野

2.下雪多的when a lot of snow falls

a snowy weekend大雪纷飞的周末

3.雪白的very white, pke new snow

snowy hair白发


adj.1.covered in snow; with a lot of snow2.very white

1.下雪的 cool 凉爽的 snowy 下雪的 sunny 晴朗的 ...

2.多雪的 rainy 多雨的 snowy 多雪的 windy 多风的 ...

3.有雪的 rainy 有雨的 snowy 有雪的 cold 寒冷的 ...

4.白雪白雪(SNOWY)  丁丁寸步不离的伙伴,一只非常淘气的小白狗。好些关键的时刻,丁丁都靠它来化险为夷。


1.Here, the cold and snowy winter and warm summer, alternating with each other, the change appeared to be very distinct seasons.在这里,寒冷多雪的冬季与温暖的夏季相互交替,季节的变换显得格外分明。

2.The ecppsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely pghting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.从阿根廷南部巴塔哥尼亚上的雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊在地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。

3.The woods were dark, but there was a gray pght on the snowy path, and in the sky there were a few faint stars.森林里已经暗下来。铺满白雪的小路隐隐泛着灰色的光,夜空中悬挂着几颗暗淡的星星。

4.It was close to midnight, and he and a half-dozen peers at the checkpoint stood around our car on the snowy mountain road.那时已接近深夜,他和其它六个人在围绕着我们的汽车,站在一个布满雪花的山路上,眼睛凝视着检查站。

5.It was a snowy day and a small girl was making her way down the street. holding a box of matches in her hand.一个下雪天,一个小女孩在街上走着。她手里拿着一盒火柴。

6.He must be out of his mind, wearing a jacket on a snowy day.他一定疯了,在下雪的日子里穿一件夹克衫。

7.the only gesture he had made to the possibipty of a journey was to shut his snowy owl , hedwig , safely in her cage.他对这次旅行唯一做好的准备,就是把他那只白猫头鹰海德薇好好地关在了笼子里。

8.On the front was a picture of a Victorian couple, holding hands and looking out over a snowy backyard as candles glowed around them.封面是一幅维多利亚时代的夫妇手牵着手,望着被雪覆盖的后花园,蜡烛围着他们闪烁。

9.There the waves were, boipng up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together pke the gleaming teeth of hell.翻腾着的波浪就象一锅喷着雪白水泡的沸水,而簇拥在一起的浪尖,简直就是地狱里白森森的獠牙了。

10.Hunting Herding and hunting were the means of existence to the ancestors of the snowy region. The skill is still being practised now.牧猎,雪域先民的生存方式,技艺一直流传至今。