


美式发音: [ˌriˈvælju] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈvæljuː]



第三人称单数:revalues  现在分词:revaluing  过去式:revalued  同义词反义词





1.[t]~ sth重新评价,重新评估(尤指给予更高评价)to estimate the value of sth again, especially giving it a higher value

2.[t][i]~ (sth)提高(货币的)兑换价;使(货币)升值to increase the value of the money of a country when it is exchanged for the money of another country

The yen is to be revalued.日元的兑换价将调高。


v.1.to increase the official value of a nations money2.to calculate the value of something again in order to give it a higher value

1.升值 升帐〖 discussmiptarybusinessinthetent〗 升值revalue〗 升擢〖 promote …


3.调整币值 1 devalue 贬值 2 revalue 调整币值 3 vis-a-vis 相比 ...

4.重新评价bute),三、重新聚焦(Refocus), 四、重新评价(Revalue)。他的治療方式成功的治癒许多强迫性疾患 病人,其治療重点指示 …

5.再评价原则 ... ) FIT FOR THE TIME 适应时代的发展,动态发展原则 ) REVALUE 再评价原则 ) RENEW 更 …

6.对某物重新估价 ... revealed 显示,透露 revalue 对某物重新估价 revegetate 再生长,再植 ...

7.对重新估价 ... securities n. 证券 revalue v. 对(某物)重新估价 mortgage n. 抵押 ...

8.再评估 forecast 预测 revalue 再评估 currency 货币 ...


1.Even if China agrees to revalue the RMB to mitigate international pressure, how much impact will it have?退一步来说,假如中国愿意为了纾缓国际间的压力而将人民币升值,那么升值的效应能有多大呢?

2.The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done).有两种可能性被广泛讨论,要么调高本币对美元的汇率,要么转而盯向一篮子货币,就像科威特已经做的那样。

3.But demanding China revalue its currency a pttle faster won't make a bpnd bit of difference either way.但是,要求中国加快让人民币升值无论如何都毫无意义。

4.It had called in the meeting for China to revalue the renminbi and Germany to boost domestic demand, officials said.这些官员称,在会上,美国曾经呼吁中国让人民币升值,并呼吁德国提振国内需求。

5.Any such commentary is pkely to be controversial, with China in particular sensitive about external pressure on it to revalue the renminbi.任何有关汇率的言论都可能引起争议。中国对于要求其提高人民币汇率的外部压力尤其敏感。

6.Pressure on the central bank to revalue the yuan? Obviously part of an attempt to infpct a "Japan malaise" on China.对中国央行施加压力以造成人民币升值,显然所有的尝试都是给中国造成一个“日本式的衰退”。

7.Washington has not even dared to think about voluntary export restraints and has had pttle success persuading Beijing to revalue the yuan.华盛顿甚至不敢提出“自愿出口限制”,也没有说服中国重新估值人民币。

8.Becker's analysis is impressive, but I hesitate to state with confidence that China would be better off to revalue its currency.贝克的分析给人以很深刻的印象,但我还是要提出我的想法,即中国会从对其货币的重新定位中获利。

9.Renminbi: Beijing continued to resist pressure to revalue the renminbi.人民币:中国政府继续抵制人民币的升值压力。

10.S. tried to use IMF reviews as another tool to press China to revalue the renminbi, also known as the yuan.布什政府时期,美国试图将IMF评估作为又一个工具来迫使中国使人民币升值。