


美式发音: [.pi 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.piː 'eɪ]


复数:PAs  同义词

n.public-address system,loudspeaker,speaker,amplifier,amp


abbr.1.【化】(=protactinium)镤2.〈美〉同“Petroleum Administration”

n.1.personal assistant: someone whose job is to help a manager by writing business letters, organizing meetings, etc.2.public address system: a set of electrical equipment that makes sounds louder, used especially for making announcements to a group of people or for playing music in a public place

abbr.1.[Chemistry](=protactinium)2.<AmE>Same as Petroleum Administration



1.Why you got to be so mean Uncle Willie, my Pa was yourn only brother and i'm yourn own niece.您为什么这么吝啬呀,威利舅舅,我的父亲是您唯一的兄弟呀!而我是您的外甥女啊!

2.When the sun sank low above the treetops and no more drops fell from the tips of the icicles they began to watch eagerly for Pa.太阳下沉到树梢上,冰柱上的水也不再往下滴,她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。

3.As they drove up the steep hill, a noisy motorcycle tail-gated them, trying to pa even though the road was windy and narrow.当他们驾驶了陡峭的小山,一辆喧闹的摩托车尾巴给他们装门,设法通过,即使路是有风和狭窄的。

4.My pa told me that it was the symbol that they don't like. He said there was something about it that upset them.“爸爸告诉我那是因为他们不喜欢某些符号。他说有关于那个符号的事情让他们不舒服。”。

5."Oh, Pa, " she said disgustedly, "you talk like an Irishman! "啊,爸,“她厌恶地说,”你说这话真像个爱尔兰人哪!

6.But Laura lay awake a little while, listening to Pa's fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods.但劳拉躺下了一会儿后还没睡着。她听着爸爸柔声弹奏着小提琴;听着大丛林的风声。

7.As you know your PA is having cosmetic surgery I would ask on her return if she is fully recovered in a considerate tone of voice.你知道,你的私人助理要做整形手术,等她回来,我会用一种关心的语调问她是否完全康复了。

8.If you worked in two or more foreign languages, you might be known as a multilingual secretary or PA.如果你从事两个或两个以上的外国语言,你可以被称为一个多语种秘书或扩声。

9.Couple of days ago, I told the story about Pa drinking, which I said something wrong and made everybody laugh their heads off.前几天说了爸爸喝酒时我说错了话,惹得大家笑。

10.Pa raised his face to call out again, but before he could open his mouth an echo came threading its way through the trees.爸爸仰起了脸打算再呼叫一次,但是他还没开口,就有猫头鹰回应的声音穿过树丛传了过来。