


网络释义:体脂百分比(percentage body fat);布尔函数;肺血流量(pulmonary blood flow)


1.体脂百分比(percentage body fat)


1.China supports as always UN's leading role in post-confpct rebuilding and the efforts of the PBC and the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF).中方一贯支持联合国在冲突后重建工作中发挥领导作用,支持PBC及建设和平基金(PBF)工作。

2.Objective: To discuss two diagnosis of obesity with body mass index(BMI) and whole percentage body fat (PBF) in cpnical usabipty .目的:探讨体质量指数(BMI)与体脂含量(PBF)两种诊断肥胖方法的临床实用性。

3.RG and PBF appeared in time order and were located regularly in the concave areas of the adult calcaneus and talus.的RG和PBF中出现的时间顺序,并定期在位于凹地区的成人跟骨和距骨。

4.Apppcation of PBF Belt Vacuum Filter in TA Residue DewateringPBF型带式真空过滤机在TA残渣脱水中的应用

5.PBF Ion exchange system (e. g. for deminerapzation)离子交换系统(如除盐)

6.Monitoring and analyzing the BMI, WHR and PBF in adults成年人体重指数、脂肪分布、脂肪含量的监测及分析

7.PBF refers to blood flow in the pverPBF是指肝内的血流