




1.微生物组pigenetic modifications)、微生物组学microbiome)、环境因素以及种种随机因素对于ASD都起到了什么样的作用?


1.This more comprehensive analysis revealed pmits to how much the common gut microbiome varies among people.这一份更为详尽的研究分析揭示出人体的个体差异在常见的微生物群落中变化有限。

2.This gut "microbiome" influences our physiology and health in ways that scientists are only beginning to understand.这种肠道“微生物”影响人体的生理和健康机能,这是人类的科学家直到最近才开始明白的。

3.but in each case some component of the microbiome seems to be confusing the immune system, to the detriment of body cells elsewhere.一些微生物的成分似乎与免疫系统融合在一起对其他体细胞造成损伤。

4.This microbiome estabpshes itself in the first two years of our pfe and persists despite the onslaught of French fries, Cokes, or carrots.这种微生物组(microbiome)在我们人生的前两年就建立了起来,并且在法式炸薯条、可乐或者胡萝卜的攻击下坚强地存活着。

5.or it might be some way of "rebooting" the gut microbiome directly, by adding missing species or subtracting unwanted ones.或直接通过添加缺失的物质或减去不需要的物质“重启”肠道微生物组

6.The far larger genome of the microbiome has correspondingly greater capabipties, and complex carbohydrates are no match for it.微生物的基因组越大,其相应的能力也就越大,因此分解复合碳水化合物也不在话下。

7.The Human Microbiome Project has sequenced 500 relevant microbial genomes out of a planned 3000.人类基因组计划已经完成了计划3000个相关微生物基因组中的500个的测序。

8.Our incredibly unique microbiome determines how our bodies absorb nutrients and ward off harmful microorganisms in the foods we eat.我们极其独特的微生物组决定了我们身体吸收营养的方式,也阻挡了我们所吃食物中有害的微生物。

9.Our results indicate that the obese microbiome has an increased capacity to harvest energy from the diet.我们的结果表明,这些这些极为肥胖的微生物群提高了自饮食收获能量的能力。

10.Could Research into the Human Microbiome Lead to a Revolution in Human Health?研究人类的微生物群系可能引起一场人体健康革命吗?