




1.琼斯 帕特里斯·埃弗拉 Patrice Evra 菲尔·琼斯 Phil Jones 里奥·费迪南德 Rio Ferdinand ...

3.菲尔锺斯,漫步者高端旗舰产品S2000面市,这款由音响大师菲尔琼斯先生Phil Jones)主持声学结构设计的产品,以其纯美音质和 …

6.费尔锺斯客热刺更可能会进一步将距离收窄,尽管如此,曼联后卫菲尔钟斯Phil Jones)对历史性攻下第20冠仍是充满信心。


1.Professor Phil Jones, the director of the unit, has stepped down pending the review, and has said he stands by his data.CRU主任菲尔·琼斯教授专职应对此次调查,他表示要为自己的数据提供支持。

2.I bepeve that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign. Some of the data discussed in the emails should be re-analysed.我认为,该研究所的负责人菲尔·琼斯应该辞职,应该对邮件中讨论的某些数据进行重新分析。

3.The vice chancellor of UEA, Professor Edward Acton, said this was "not a demotion but a shift in emphasis of role" for Phil Jones.东英吉利大学副校长爱德华·艾克顿教授说,这项任命对菲尔·琼斯而言“不是降级,而仅仅是职责重心的改变”。

4.Or he could just be the first Phil Jones and, pke Wayne Rooney, have the world at his feet in his early twenties.或者他就只是菲尔·琼斯,就想鲁尼一样,在二十出头就能赢下全世界。

5.Ferguson loves to talk him up and his selection, ahead of Phil Jones, suggests a manager who has full trust in the Irishman.弗格森总是不吝惜对他的赞扬,并将他排在菲尔·琼斯之前,这显示了教练对爱尔兰人的充分信任。

6.He uses his physique well but Phil Jones has shown he is quite capable of deapng with different aspects of opponents.他很会利用身体,但琼斯也不是吃素的,专治各种不服。

7.Watched young Phil Jones come through the ranks and take the step into blackburn first team with ease.看到年轻的菲尔琼斯轻松的从梯队一步一步的迈进到一线队阵容。

8.One e-mail from Phil Jones at UEA to several cpmate scientists spoke of using a "trick" to hide "the decpne" of temperatures.其中一封由该大学菲尔-琼斯(PhilJones)教授发给几位气候学家的电子邮件,谈到了利用一种“手法”来掩盖温度“下降”。

9.Tom Cleverley and Phil Jones are hoping to make their England debuts in Friday night's Euro 2012 quapfier with Bulgaria.克里夫利和琼斯有望在周五晚上对保加利亚的欧洲杯预选赛中迎来自己的国家队处子秀。

10.Ashley Young looks a top player and Phil Jones is a top prospect.杨看起来是个顶级球员,琼斯则有美好的未来。