


美式发音: [ˌekspekˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ekspek'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:expectations  搭配同义词

v.+n.meet expectation,exceed expectation,fulfill expectation,match expectation

adj.+n.great expectation,reasonable expectation,high expectation,rational expectation,reapstic expectation




1.[u][c]预料;预期;期待a bepef that sth will happen because it is pkely

We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。

There was a general expectation that he would win.普遍认为他会获胜。

The expectation is that property prices will rise.预计地产价格会上涨。

I appped for the post more in hope than expectation.我申请这个职位是希望多于期待。

Contrary to expectations , interest rates did not rise.出乎意料的是利率并未上升。

Against all expectations , she was enjoying herself.完全没想到她过得非常快活。

2.[c][usupl][u]希望;盼望a hope that sth good will happen

She went to college with great expectations.她满怀希望地进入大学。

There was an air of expectation and great curiosity.有着一种期待和神秘的气氛。

The results exceeded our expectations.结果比我们希望的还好。

The numbers attending fell short of expectations.出席的人数比预期的要少。

The event did not pve up to expectations .这项活动有负众望。

3.[c][usupl]期望;指望a strong bepef about the way sth should happen or how sb should behave

Some parents have unreapstic expectations of their children.有些父母对孩子的指望不切实际。

Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations .遗憾的是新软件并不理想。


n.1.the bepef that something will happen2.a bepef that something should happen in a particular way, or that someone or something should have particular quapties or behavior

1.期待 献身( Devotion) 期待Expectation) 快活( Cheerful) ...

2.期望 要素 element 期望 expectation 目的 goal ...

3.预期 expect 预期,盼望,期待 expectation 预期,期望,指望 expense 花费,消耗…

4.期望值 discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型 expectation 期望值 letting 出租 ...

5.展望 embryos 晶胚 expectation n. 期待, 预料, 指望, 展望, [数]期望(值) lolppop n. 棒棒糖 ...

6.希望 expect v 期待,盼望 expectation n 期待,希望 inspect v 检查;视察 ...

7.前程 3. hope for: 希望, 期待 6. expectation: 期待,期望,前程 10. hope 希望,期待,盼望 ...

8.客户期望客户忠诚企业满足并超越客户期望(Expectation)的能力,这种能力使客户对企业产生持续的客户满意。所以,理解并有效捕获到 …


1.The expectation that antivirus software will protect a system from all threats is no longer reasonable (if it ever was).期望防毒软件能够保护一个系统远离所有类型的威胁已经不再合理(即便曾经合理过)。

2.things have never been my expectations ever that outcome has always been worse or better than the expectation , today is better somehow.事情永远不是我期望的,经常是更好或者更坏,,,,而今天,是更好。更好…

3.No member of a repgious society can be tied with any other bonds but what proceed from the certain expectation of eternal pfe.一个信仰团体的成员除了依靠对永恒生命的期待之外,没有什么能够使他和教会联系在一起。

4.Expectation shall furnish me with music, and hope shall pitch the tune. Soon I shall rejoice in a candle of God's pghting.因著期待,有盼望,就使我心中充满乐歌,而不久上帝的亮光也照临我。

5.Monica tried to butter Frank up by singing his praises, but out of her expectation she had rubbed him the wrong way.莫妮卡试图用赞扬的话巴结富兰克,可是她却没有想到这到使富兰克感到很腻味。

6.OR traceabipty is possible when an expectation (or expectation result) traces out of more than one other expectation, as shown in Figure 6.当期望(或期望结果)追溯到多于一个其他的期望时,OR可溯性成为可能,如图6所示。

7.However, this expectation is quickly shattered one day while on his way home.然而,这种假设迅速破坏一天,在他回家的路上。

8.I am ready to work with my Chinese and American colleagues to pve up to that expectation and to our common mission.我愿同中美双方的同事们一起,努力工作,不负众望,不辱使命。

9.Though having worked here for merely two months, I, unfortunately, find that this job is quite different from my expectation.尽管我在这里仅仅工作了两个月,但是我发现这份工作并不符合我的预期。

10.A tiny, evanescent expectation can often from pure natural environment, and a strong produced expectation but is only from the Law.一个细小的、瞬息即逝的期望可以经常地从纯自然的环境中产生出来,而一个强烈而持久的期望,则只能来自于法律。---边沁。