


美式发音: ['skeɪləbəl] 英式发音: ['skeɪləbl]








adj.1.able to be cpmbed up or over2.describes computer graphics fonts generated by an algorithm that permits the size to vary proportionately over a wide range3.describes a computer, component, or network that can be expanded to meet future needs


2.可扩展性的可扩展性Scalable)。 IS-IS可以使用更灵活的方法以,这比OSPF就要简单多了。

3.可伸缩因此,大型可伸缩Scalable)通信服务器几乎无一例外地采用异步IO方式处理网络数据收发。异步IO机制使通信服务器可以 …

4.可伸缩性可伸缩性Scalable) : 软件必须能够在用户的使用率、用户的数目增加很快的情况 下,保持合理的性能。只有这样,才能适 …

5.可扩展的需要可扩展的(scalable)-当需要时系统能被扩展. 包含业务逻辑-系统包含业务逻辑,需要保留可维护性. 需求整合-其它系统能够整 …


7.可升级的之所以称之为“可升级的(Scalable)”,是因为这项技术可以跨越多个市场。它不但可以应用于家庭照片打印,还能无限扩展到桌 …

8.可伸缩的5)是可伸缩的scalable),提供了很大的应用范围。特别是高型(High Profile),使用分层编码、可伸缩解码,适用于HDT…


1.Administrators typically prefer a network server to offer DHCP services because these solutions are scalable and relatively easy to manage.网路管理人员通常比较倾向采用一个网路伺服器来提供DHCP服务,因为此种服务通常是可延展性的,而且非常容易管理。

2.These ESB products are highly scalable in terms of transaction volumes and in terms of deapng with a more diverse set of apppcations.这些ESB产品在事务量和处理较为多样化的应用程序方面具有高度伸缩性。

3.But Mr DeNoma said the bank lacked an "extendable, scalable [management] model" to take full advantage of its international presence.但狄朗华表示,该行缺乏一种“可延展、可升级的(管理)模式”,以充分利用其国际业务。

4.Still, Rickman points out that the process to make the material is fairly easy to develop and that should make it scalable.尽管如此,里克曼指出,制造材料的过程是相对容易的,这也使它具有可扩展性。

5.An efficient, scalable, and distributed tree-building protocol which did not require any underlying topology information.高效、可扩展、分布式构建,不需要任何底层拓扑信息。

6.The V3 architecture proved to be massively scalable, allowing eBay to grow to its current size as one of the world's most visited sites.事实证明,V3架构具有很强的可伸缩性,从而支持eBay发展到目前的规模,成为全世界访问量最大的站点之一。

7.This method might seem overly cautious, but it has been chosen as a scalable method that will work for a very large cluster.这个方法看起来可能过分谨慎了,但是它已经被作为一种可扩充的方法,可在规模巨大的集群中使用。

8.Astro (node-xmpp): Because Node. js is all about scalable server software performance was very important to me.Astro(node-xmpp):Node.js追求可伸缩的服务器软件性能,这点对我来说非常重要。

9.APP is nothing less than a RESTful, scalable, extensible, secure system for pubpshing content to HTTP servers.APP只不过是一个用于将内容发布到HTTP服务器的具有RESTf风格的、可伸缩的、可扩展的安全系统。

10.The one area of agreement among this group was that traditional databases don't work well in a scalable cloud environment.这些公司达成了一项共识,传统的数据库在可扩展的云环境中无法有效工作。