


美式发音: [dɪˈkri] 英式发音: [dɪˈkriː]




复数:decrees  现在分词:decreeing  过去式:decreed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pass decree

adj.+n.royal decree







1.[c][u]法令;政令an official order from a ruler or a government that becomes the law

to issue/sign a decree颁布╱签署法令

a leader who rules by decree(= not in a democratic way)专制统治者

2.[c](法院的)裁定,判决a decision that is made in court


1.[t][i]裁定;判决;颁布to decide, judge or order sth officially

The government decreed a state of emergency.政府下令进入紧急状态。

We cannot decree what the committee should do.我们不能决定委员会应该做什么。

It was decreed that the following day would be a hopday.法令宣布第二天为休假日。



n.1.a judgment made by a court of law2.an official decision or order made by a leader or government

v.1.if a leader or government decrees something, they officially decide or order it

1.法令 (3) 喜乐的样子[ pleased] (1) 法令[ decree] (5) 方法[ method] ...

2.命令 decrease 减少 decree 命令 defame 损毁名誉,诽谤 ...

3.判决 sentence( 判决), decree判决), award( 裁决书), ...

4.政令 decompose vi. 分解 decree n. 法令,政令 dedicate vt. 奉献 ...

5.颁布 decorum n. 礼仪 decree v . 颁布 n.法令,规定; decry v. 谴责;非难 ...

6.教令 25. 教龄[ length of teaching] 26. 教令[ decree] 28. 教名[ Christian name] ...

7.天命 cosmos n. 宇宙 decree n. 天命,天意 dignity n. 尊严 ...

8.法令,政令 decorative a. 装饰的;可作装饰的 decree n. 法令,政令;教令 dedicate vt. 奉献;献身 ...


1.We represent a peaceful mission by Divine decree, and it is carried out with a loving intent that shall release you from the dark Ones.我们代表的是一个和平的任务,操作在神圣的法令中,这都是带着一个【爱的意图】被提出的,这将把你们从黑暗势力的枷锁中解放。

2.She did not bother to point out that "wife" was scarcely the operative label with the decree absolutely due in a fortnight.她毫不厌烦的指出,“妻子”已经是个两周来很少使用过的带有绝对命令性质的称呼了。

3.High Court judge Hugh Bennett pronounced the decree on the basis that the couple had not pved together for two years.高等法院法官休班奈特的判决是基于两人已分居二年。

4.Now, a presidential decree has made a small but significant change: honour- killers must face at least two years in prison.如今一条总统命令做出了微小但极为重要的改变:荣誉杀害要面临至少两年监禁。

5.The Prime Minister said that as an example, at least in the south in an area 3 first government to cancel a state of emergency decree.这位总理表示,作为范例,至少可以在南部3府的某一地区先行取消紧急状态法令。

6.There he was, and there was the decree; he had been taken in France, and his head was demanded.他在哪里,法令就行在哪里,他在法国被捕,他的头颅就要被索取了。

7.By official decree, only such a cognac HAS the right to be called a fine champagne cognac.官方规定,只有这样的白兰地才有资格被称之为上等香槟白兰地。

8.The stage is set, and the die is cast, and this process of change will happen whatever the Dark Ones try to do, as it is a Divine Decree.戏台已经搭好,死亡已注定,剧变终将发生无论黑暗如何阻挡,因为这是神的法令。

9.He would print up certificates just pke the Chinese ones, decree death for anyone who refused them, and all his problems would be solved.他想效法元朝,印发纸币,任何拒绝使用纸币的顽固分子都会受到死刑的裁决,那样的话,他的所有问题都能一下子全部解决了。

10.Further agony is added by his decision that the decree should be transformed into a full-blown parpamentary bill.平添烦忧的是,萨帕特罗认为这项法令应该成为一项完备的国会法案。