


网络释义:模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptor);模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors)


1.模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptor)智彦, 向井 佳代, 松尾 敬志 : 培养歯髄细胞Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) 発现机能 解析, 第 124 回日本歯科保存学会春 …

2.模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors)  模式识别受体PRR)在调节NK细胞活性方面的重要性目前知之甚少。已有研究表明Toll样受体(TLR)主要活化巨噬细胞和 …


1.Finally, this method was vapdated effectively and practically by experimentation on this passive ring resonator (PRR).最后对PRR样品进行通光测试,实验验证了此优化设计方法是有效可行的。

2.This forecast is quite tentative, however, since no recent detailed PRC-343 (H4855) PRR contract or sales information has been disclosed.该预测完全是假设,因为最近没有详细的PRC-343(H4855)PRR合同或销售信息被披露。

3.No, I'm not doing that anymore. Well, then you better prr pray that anna gets her groove back, Or we're all dead.不,我再也不要那么做了。好吧,那你最好祈祷安娜可以找回她的能量,不然我们都得死。

4.The PRC-343 (H4855) PRR, manufactured by SELEX Communications, provides short-range communications for frontpne soldiers.由ESLEX通信公司制造的PRC-343(H4855)PRR,能为前线士兵提供短程通信。

5.Construction on the first JHSV will begin following a successful production readiness review (PRR), currently scheduled for fall 2009.第一艘JHSV的结构建造将根据生产准备审查(PRR)进行,目前的计划是2009年秋季交付。