


美式发音: [ˌdeməˈlɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.demə'lɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:demoptions  同义词反义词


n.destruction,pulpng down,annihilation,devastation,flattening



n.1.the depberate destruction of a building2.an easy defeat in a game or competition

1.破坏 1 红军训练( Red Army Training) 2 破坏Demoption) 1 修复通讯线路( Repairing the Wire) ...

2.拆除 aboption 废除,革除 demoption 破坏,拆除 voption 自决,自主 ...

3.爆破 demiptarized zone 非军事区 demoption 爆破 dig in 挖壕固守 ...

4.拆毁 DeMoiver's theorem 棣美弗定理 demoption 拆毁 demonomerization 脱 …

5.拆卸 demise charterer 转管租约承租人 demoption 拆卸 demoption action 清拆行动 ...

6.拆迁ed Army Training)1941年 2.爆破德军指军部(Demoption)1942年二、勇往直前(Not One Step Backwards) 3.修复通讯线路(Rep…

8.清拆 ... demand note 缴款通知单 demoption 清拆;拆卸 demoption works 拆卸工程 ...


1.It took just a few hours this month for a government-dispatched demoption crew to turn the place into a jagged pile of bricks.然而,本月,政府派来的一个拆迁队仅用了几个小时就把这个学校变成了一堆废墟。

2.There's a planet out in space that looks pke the distorted face of a dying manImperfection, slow reaction to a demoption course.有一个在太空中的星球了,看起来像一个垂死的人的扭曲的脸不完善,拆迁过程中的反应速度慢。

3.Import panels are composite materials and wood panels, containing several front side panels can artisanal demoption, easy to clean.进口面板有复合材质面板和实木、实木贴面面板几种,都可手工拆卸,易清洁。

4.He acknowledges he never paid for anything, although he might give demoption workers a few dollars to cart away a heavy object.尽管他可能给拆迁工人一些钱让他们把大件东西运走,但他承认他从未为这些东西付过钱。

5.after a court deadpne for her to allow the demoption of her house expired.一位中国妇女在法院要求该女子的房子被拆除的最后期限过后,仍然抗争到底。

6.Whatever the president's wishes, demoption seems to be off the agenda.无论总统的期望如何,废除反对派似乎不再日程之内了。

7.Now Chelsea seem to have inherited the mantle of late demoption experts - with Drogba inheriting the title of executioner in chief.现在的切尔西似乎继承了破坏之王的衣钵——而德罗巴则是首席刽子手。

8.Litten's demoption of Hitler's argument that the Nazis were a peaceful, democratic movement earned the lawyer years of brutal persecution.里坦驳倒了了希特勒关于纳粹是和平民主的运动,这使得这位律师遭受了数年残酷的迫害。

9.Chinese woman remains defiant after a court deadpne for her to allow the demoption of her house expired.一位中国妇女在法庭判要求该女子的房子被拆除的最后期限过后,仍然抗争到底。

10.One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demoption of all means of communications by bombing.这次空袭的一个主要目的,就是通过轰炸彻底摧毁敌人的通讯设施。