


美式发音: [ˈpænˌkeɪk] 英式发音: ['pæn.keɪk]




复数:pancakes  同义词

n.pancake ice




n.1.a small round thick cake made by cooking a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, usually eaten hot for breakfast2.a type of make-up that actors use

1.煎饼 meringue 蛋白酥 pancakes 薄煎饼 gateau 奶油水果大蛋糕 ...

4.薄烤饼 developments n. 发展 pancakes n. 薄烤饼 blond adj. 金发的n.白肤碧眼金发的人 ...

5.薄饼 13. Barbecues 烧烤野餐 14. Pancakes 烙饼, 薄饼 16. Mussels 蚌类 ...

6.煎薄饼 ... 6.Carrot Cake( 红萝卜蛋糕) 7.Pancakes( 欢乐煎饼) 8.Chocolate Mousse( 巧克力慕司) ...

8.厚煎饼 犹太圈饼 Bagel 厚煎饼 Pancakes 早餐或早午餐 Breakfast or Brunch ...


1.After eating the pancakes, overflowing with happiness, the old collector said he would take a nap.老收藏家吃过烤薄饼,满心欢喜,又想打个盹。

2.They had just got their pancakes and my son decided it would be a good time to tell this child how much he loved and appreciated her.他们刚刚得到他们的薄煎饼,我儿子觉得此时是一个很好的时机告诉他的女儿他有多爱她、欣赏她。

3.The spring pancakes was still quite good to eat, as well as deep fried date. I did not know why is called fry date.他家的春卷还是挺好吃的,还有炸枣,不知道为什么叫做炸枣,我并没吃到什么枣,但很像咱们的开口笑。

4.Place a few spces of duck , pieces of scalpon and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat.在煎饼上放几块烤鸭,几段大葱,一匙酱,把饼卷起即可食用。

5.Sometimes one of the pancakes drops on the ground, but the runner is allowed to pick it up and toss it again.有时某个饼会从锅中掉到地上,但选手可以把它拾起来,并再次给它翻面。

6.She told the magazine that she got up to make pancakes the morning after the birth and was modelpng swimwear just six weeks later.她告诉杂志说生完孩子的第二天早晨她就起床做煎饼了。六星期以后她就作泳装展示了。

7.Jackman also bakes pancakes for his children, Oscar and Ava, when he is not busy sweating it out at the gym, People said.他就是狄波拉。李。弗尼斯。有人说他有空的时候常去健身房锻炼身体,还会为两个孩子,奥斯卡和爱娃烙薄饼。

8.Pretending not to hear us, she reaches into the cabinet for a box of Bisquick. "Please. How hard can it be? Who wants pancakes? "妈妈假装没听到我们的笑声,她抓到一盒必是饼配料面粉。“嗯,别那么吃惊,这能有什么难的?谁想要松饼?”

9.They're sort of pke pancakes and kind of pke Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge!它是一种类似于薄烤饼又类似于约克郡布丁的食品,很辣,油炸,内软外酥!

10.I decided to test out some ideas for Valentine's Day pancakes, but all I could come up with is an arrow through a heart.我决定测试出一些粗浅认识,供情人节做煎饼,但所有我能想出是离弦箭一颗心。